ok button gets now instant klicked, Arena view fixed

This commit is contained in:
mrbesen 2017-04-29 14:21:42 +02:00
parent 101d80ee83
commit 600761ad46
1 changed files with 55 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
public class Clicker implements Runnable{
private int okcountmin = 2;//min count of ok button detections in a row, to trigger a new round.
private boolean running = false;
private boolean should_run = false;
private boolean inbattle = false;
@ -85,69 +83,60 @@ public class Clicker implements Runnable{
float modifier = 1;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lastwait = start;//actions like moving mouse and do stuff gets messured and subtracted of the wait's
int okcount = 0;
while( ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 6000) < 41 & should_run & !skipbattle) {
//check für ok-button
if(round(start) > 20) {//game is older then 20 seconds
if(checkOK(end, rob)) {//check
okcount ++;//ok button detected
if(okcount >= okcountmin) {
Main.get().ui.info("OK-button detected!");
// System.out.println("OK-Button-detected!");
skipbattle = true;
} else
okcount = 0;//reset
//try to play out a card
if(autoplay) {
playout(card, rob);//try to play a card
card = (card +1) % 4;//move card pointer to the next
if(doubleplayout) {
playout(card, rob);
card = (card +1) % 4;//next
Main.get().ui.info("OK-button detected!");
// System.out.println("OK-Button-detected!");
skipbattle = true;
if(round(start) >= 115) //game older than 2 minutes -> speed the playout process up!
modifier = 2;
else if(round(start) >= (115 - (truppenwait / 2))) //remove half waittime and do half speed.
modifier = 1.5f;
// eingestellter wert (0.1 sec) ggf. durch 2 teilen vergangene zeit abziehen (zeit fürs setztem der letzten truppen)
int waittime = ( (int) (((truppenwait * 100) / modifier) - (System.currentTimeMillis()- lastwait)) );//how long to wait?
Main.get().ui.info("Waiting for: " + waittime);
while (waittime > 1500 & !skipbattle) {//check for the ok-button every 3 seconds
long startwait = System.currentTimeMillis();//record needed time
if(checkOK(end, rob)) {//check
okcount ++;//ok button detected
if(okcount >= okcountmin) {
Main.get().ui.info("OK-button detected!");
skipbattle = true;
} else
okcount = 0;//reset
sleep((int) (1500 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwait)));//sleep the rest of 3 seconds, that was not gone for checking
waittime = (int) (waittime - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwait));//calculate waittime that is left
//try to play out a card
if(autoplay) {
playout(card, rob);//try to play a card
card = (card +1) % 4;//move card pointer to the next
if(doubleplayout) {
playout(card, rob);
card = (card +1) % 4;//next
lastwait = System.currentTimeMillis();//restart the messurement of time used by the actions
skipbattle = false;
inbattle = false;
clickL(rob, end);//ok button
Main.get().ui.info("Battle ended.");
sleep(12000);//10 sec-loading screen
//checken, ob Arena wechsel pop-up
if(checkOK(arena_switch, rob)) {
clickL(rob, arena_switch);
if(round(start) >= 115) //game older than 2 minutes -> speed the playout process up!
modifier = 2;
else if(round(start) >= (115 - (truppenwait / 2))) //remove half waittime and do half speed.
modifier = 1.5f;
// eingestellter wert (0.1 sec) ggf. durch 2 teilen vergangene zeit abziehen (zeit fürs setztem der letzten truppen)
int waittime = ( (int) (((truppenwait * 100) / modifier) - (System.currentTimeMillis()- lastwait)) );//how long to wait?
Main.get().ui.info("Waiting for: " + waittime);
while (waittime > 1500 & !skipbattle) {//check for the ok-button every 3 seconds
long startwait = System.currentTimeMillis();//record needed time
if(checkOK(end, rob)) {//check
Main.get().ui.info("OK-button detected!");
skipbattle = true;
sleep((int) (1500 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwait)));//sleep the rest of 3 seconds, that was not gone for checking
waittime = (int) (waittime - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwait));//calculate waittime that is left
lastwait = System.currentTimeMillis();//restart the messurement of time used by the actions
skipbattle = false;
inbattle = false;
clickL(rob, end);//ok button
Main.get().ui.info("Battle ended.");
sleep(9000);//9 sec-loading screen
//checken, ob Arena wechsel pop-up
while(checkOK(arena_switch, rob)) {
clickL(rob, arena_switch);
} catch (AWTException e) {
@ -273,17 +262,17 @@ public class Clicker implements Runnable{
for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++) {
int color = img.getRGB(x, y);
int red = (color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
int green = (color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
int blue = color & 0x000000ff;
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((blue - goalcolor.getBlue()), 2)
+ Math.pow((red - goalcolor.getRed()), 2) + Math.pow((green - goalcolor.getGreen()), 2));//calculate the distance between the goalcolor and the test color
// System.out.println("distance: " + distance);
if (distance < 25)
int green = (color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
int blue = color & 0x000000ff;
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((blue - goalcolor.getBlue()), 2)
+ Math.pow((red - goalcolor.getRed()), 2) + Math.pow((green - goalcolor.getGreen()), 2));//calculate the distance between the goalcolor and the test color
// System.out.println("distance: " + distance);
if (distance < 25)
// System.out.println("checking ok takes: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));//some performance checking
// System.out.println("checking ok takes: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));//some performance checking
return count > 70;
@ -300,6 +289,6 @@ public class Clicker implements Runnable{
ps = p.serialize();
out += i + " " + ps + "\n";
return out.substring(0, out.length()-1);
return out.substring(0, out.length()-1);//remove last \n