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Dustin Bensing 2013-07-16 23:08:29 +02:00
commit ad2f299445

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@ -9,54 +9,19 @@ For a detailed example see main.cpp
XInputSimulator &sim = XInputSimulator::getInstance();
sim.mouseMoveTo(500,400); //set mouse to screen cords 500x400
sim.mouseMoveRelative(400, -100); //move frome there 400px in x to the right and -100px in y upwards
sim.mouseDown(1); //press left mouse and hold
sim.mouseMoveRelative(0, 300); //drag/mark with pressed mousebutton 300px down
sim.mouseUp(1); //release the mousebutton press
sim.mouseMoveTo(500,400); //set mouse to screen cords 500x400
sim.mouseMoveRelative(400, -100); //move frome there 400px in x to the right and -100px in y upwards
sim.mouseDown(XInputSimulator::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON); //press left mouse and hold
sim.mouseMoveRelative(0, 300); //drag/mark with pressed mousebutton 300px down
sim.mouseUp(XInputSimulator::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON); //release the mousebutton press
building for Linux use -lX11 | include X11/Xlib.h X11/Xutil.h
building for Mac use -framework ApplicationServices | include ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h
building for Win use User32.lib | include Windows.h
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt
CONFIG += c++11
SOURCES += main.cpp \
xinputsimulatorimpl.cpp \
xinputsimulator.cpp \
xinputsimulatorimpllinux.cpp \
notimplementedexception.cpp \
xinputsimulatorimplmacos.cpp \
xinputsimulator.h \
xinputsimulatorimpl.h \
xinputsimulatorimpllinux.h \
notimplementedexception.h \
xinputsimulatorimplmacos.h \
macx {
# mac only
LIBS += -framework ApplicationServices
# linux only
LIBS += -lX11
win32 {
# windows only
LIBS += "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib\User32.Lib"
if you wanna use qmake i provided a file simply type:
>$ qmake && make
####Status early Alpha
2013-07-16: Linux, Mac and Win part with following functions
@ -70,4 +35,4 @@ mouseScrollY //up and down
mouseScrollX //left an right
be aware that some glitches might appear due to the early state of development. There is not much testing going on apart from the main.cpp. Feel free to file bugreports, wishes or patches :)
be aware that some glitches might appear and the interface might be changing every minute due to the early state of development. There is not much testing going on apart from the main.cpp. Feel free to file bugreports, wishes or patches :)