// Diese Datei ist stark an den examples von miniaudio orientiert (vor allem simple_mixing.c). Die Struktur ähnelt sich daher möglicherweise. //#define MA_DEBUG_OUTPUT //#define MA_LOG_LEVEL MA_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef __wtypes_h__ #include #endif #ifndef __WINDEF_ #include #endif #ifndef _WINUSER_ #include #endif #ifndef __RPC_H__ #include #endif #endif #include "sound.h" #define DR_FLAC_IMPLEMENTATION #include "extras/dr_flac.h" //flac #define DR_MP3_IMPLEMENTATION #include "extras/dr_mp3.h" //mp3 #define DR_WAV_IMPLEMENTATION #include "extras/dr_wav.h" //wav #include "extras/stb_vorbis.c" //vorbis #define MINIAUDIO_IMPLEMENTATION #include "miniaudio.h" #include //std::max #include #include #include #include #include Sound* Sound::inst = nullptr; const std::string Sound::FOLDER = "/home/yannis/prog/ts3/soundboardsounds/"; Sound& Sound::instance() { if (!inst) { inst = new Sound(); } return *inst; } void Sound::deinit() { if(inst) { inst->stopAll(); delete inst; inst = nullptr; } Log::info << "Sound deinited"; } void Sound::addPlayback(const std::string& name, float volume) { for(SoundDevice* sd : devices) { sd->addPlayback(name, volume); } } bool Sound::addDefaultDevice() { SoundDevice* sd = SoundDevice::createDevice(&context); if(sd) { devices.push_back(sd); } return sd; } bool Sound::addDeviceWithName(const std::string& name) { SoundDevice* sd = (name.empty() ? SoundDevice::createDevice(&context) : SoundDevice::createDevice(&context, name)); if(sd) { devices.push_back(sd); } return sd; } void Sound::stopAll() { for(SoundDevice* sd : devices) { sd->stop(); } } void Sound::reset() { Log::info << "ResetAudio"; // deinit stopAll(); for(SoundDevice* sd : devices) { delete sd; } devices.clear(); ma_context_uninit(&context); // reinit if (ma_context_init(NULL, 0, NULL, &context) != MA_SUCCESS) { Log::error << "Failed to initialize Sound context."; throw new std::exception(); } Log::info << "ResetAudio done"; } Sound::Sound() { if (ma_context_init(NULL, 0, NULL, &context) != MA_SUCCESS) { Log::error << "Failed to initialize Sound context."; throw new std::exception(); } } Sound::~Sound() { stopAll(); for(SoundDevice* sd : devices) { delete sd; } devices.clear(); ma_context_uninit(&context); }