# lolautoaccept This is a tool, that tries to automatically accept a league of legends game. It is developed on linux and there is no effort to port it to windows. It works by taking a screenshot every second, analysing it using opencv and clicking on `accept` using XInputSimulator. It has problems when the champion you want to play is banned or picked by someone else. I only tested this in normals and ranked. (No Aram, Custom, URF, ....) ## Prebuilt Binary There is a prebuild AppImage that should work on every linux x86_64 computer. 1. Download: [here](https://git.mrbesen.de/MrBesen/lolautoaccept/releases) 2. give execute rights `chmod +x LoLAutoAccept-*-x86_64.AppImage` 3. execute - dubble click or `./LoLAutoAccept-*-x86_64.AppImage` ## Dependencies - Qt5 - opencv4 - X11 - [XInputSimulator](https://github.com/a3f/XInputSimulator.git) (is a submodule) - [Log](https://git.okaestne.de/okaestne/Log) (is a submodule) ## Notes * The Program should be able to detect the buttons no matter the client-language. But it was heavily tested with _german_. * The program has troubles detecting the button, when the mouse is hovering it. (Dont hover the launcher with your mouse.) * The launcher should be in 1280x720 (It might work with other resolutions, but they are not tested and are known to have potential problems). * Needs X11 and probably does not work with wayland (ubuntu). But i did not try that. ## Compile Be sure to clone with submodules: ``` git clone --recurse-submodules https://git.mrbesen.de/MrBesen/lolautoaccept.git ``` Then in its root folder: ``` ./makeXInputSimulator.sh qmake # build the appimage make -j appimg # or just the main binary make -j ``` You can get better Logging with: ``` ./lolautoaccept --debug-log ``` (This will also create a `log.txt`)