morethanwords ca1213c32f Support noforwards
Fix chat date blinking
Fix displaying sent messages to new dialog
Scroll to date bubble if message is bigger than viewport
Fix releasing keyboard by inline helper
Fix clearing self user
Fix displaying sent public poll
Update contacts counter in dialogs placeholder
Improve multiselect animation
Disable lottie icon animations if they're disabled
Fix changing mtproto transport during authorization
2022-01-08 16:52:14 +04:00

377 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* Originally from:
* Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov <>
import type { Chat, ChatPhoto, DialogPeer, InputChannel, InputDialogPeer, InputNotifyPeer, InputPeer, Peer, Update, User, UserProfilePhoto } from "../../layer";
import type { LangPackKey } from "../langPack";
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../../config/debug";
import { isObject } from "../../helpers/object";
import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor";
import rootScope from "../rootScope";
import appChatsManager from "./appChatsManager";
import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager";
import I18n from '../langPack';
import { NULL_PEER_ID } from "../mtproto/mtproto_config";
HTML-color IRC-color Description
#c03d33 4 red
#4fad2d 3 green
#d09306 7 yellow
#168acd 10 blue
#8544d6 6 purple
#cd4073 13 pink
#2996ad 11 sea
#ce671b 5 orange
const DialogColorsFg = ['#fc5c51', '#0fb297', '#d09306', '#3d72ed', '#895dd5', '#cd4073', '#00c1a6', '#fa790f'];
const DialogColors = ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'violet', 'pink', 'cyan', 'orange'];
const DialogColorsMap = [0, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5];
export type PeerType = 'channel' | 'chat' | 'megagroup' | 'group' | 'saved';
export class AppPeersManager {
/* public savePeerInstance(peerId: PeerId, instance: any) {
if(peerId < 0) appChatsManager.saveApiChat(instance);
else appUsersManager.saveApiUser(instance);
} */
public canPinMessage(peerId: PeerId) {
return peerId.isUser() || appChatsManager.hasRights(peerId.toChatId(), 'pin_messages');
public getPeerPhoto(peerId: PeerId): UserProfilePhoto.userProfilePhoto | ChatPhoto.chatPhoto {
const photo = peerId.isUser()
? appUsersManager.getUserPhoto(peerId.toUserId())
: appChatsManager.getChatPhoto(peerId.toChatId());
return photo._ !== 'chatPhotoEmpty' && photo._ !== 'userProfilePhotoEmpty' ? photo : null;
public getPeerMigratedTo(peerId: PeerId) {
if(peerId.isUser()) {
return false;
const chat: = appChatsManager.getChat(peerId.toChatId());
if(chat && chat.migrated_to && chat.pFlags.deactivated) {
return this.getPeerId(chat.migrated_to as InputChannel.inputChannel);
return false;
public getPeerTitle(peerId: PeerId, plainText = false, onlyFirstName = false) {
if(!peerId) {
peerId = rootScope.myId;
let title = '';
if(peerId.isUser()) {
const user = appUsersManager.getUser(peerId.toUserId());
if(user.first_name) title += user.first_name;
if(user.last_name && (!onlyFirstName || !title)) title += ' ' + user.last_name;
if(!title) title = user.pFlags.deleted ? I18n.format('HiddenName', true) : user.username;
else title = title.trim();
} else {
const chat: = appChatsManager.getChat(peerId.toChatId());
title = chat.title;
if(onlyFirstName) {
title = title.split(' ')[0];
return plainText ? title : RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title);
public getOutputPeer(peerId: PeerId): Peer {
if(peerId.isUser()) {
return {_: 'peerUser', user_id: peerId.toUserId()};
const chatId = peerId.toChatId();
if(appChatsManager.isChannel(chatId)) {
return {_: 'peerChannel', channel_id: chatId};
return {_: 'peerChat', chat_id: chatId};
public getPeerString(peerId: PeerId) {
if(peerId.isUser()) {
return appUsersManager.getUserString(peerId.toUserId());
return appChatsManager.getChatString(peerId.toChatId());
public getPeerUsername(peerId: PeerId): string {
return this.getPeer(peerId).username || '';
public getPeer(peerId: PeerId) {
return peerId.isUser()
? appUsersManager.getUser(peerId.toUserId())
: appChatsManager.getChat(peerId.toChatId());
public getPeerId(peerId: {user_id: UserId} | {channel_id: ChatId} | {chat_id: ChatId} | InputPeer | PeerId | string): PeerId {
if(peerId !== undefined && ((peerId as string).isPeerId ? (peerId as string).isPeerId() : false)) return peerId as PeerId;
// if(typeof(peerId) === 'string' && /^[uc]/.test(peerId)) return peerId as PeerId;
// if(typeof(peerId) === 'number') return peerId;
else if(isObject(peerId)) {
const userId = (peerId as Peer.peerUser).user_id;
if(userId !== undefined) {
return userId.toPeerId(false);
const chatId = (peerId as Peer.peerChannel).channel_id || (peerId as Peer.peerChat).chat_id;
if(chatId !== undefined) {
return chatId.toPeerId(true);
return rootScope.myId; // maybe it is an inputPeerSelf
// } else if(!peerId) return 'u0';
} else if(!peerId) return NULL_PEER_ID;
const isUser = (peerId as string).charAt(0) === 'u';
const peerParams = (peerId as string).substr(1).split('_');
return isUser ? peerParams[0].toPeerId() : (peerParams[0] || '').toPeerId(true);
public getDialogPeer(peerId: PeerId): DialogPeer {
return {
_: 'dialogPeer',
peer: this.getOutputPeer(peerId)
public isChannel(peerId: PeerId): boolean {
return !peerId.isUser() && appChatsManager.isChannel(peerId.toChatId());
public isMegagroup(peerId: PeerId) {
return !peerId.isUser() && appChatsManager.isMegagroup(peerId.toChatId());
public isAnyGroup(peerId: PeerId): boolean {
return !peerId.isUser() && !appChatsManager.isBroadcast(peerId.toChatId());
public isBroadcast(peerId: PeerId): boolean {
return this.isChannel(peerId) && !this.isMegagroup(peerId);
public isBot(peerId: PeerId): boolean {
return peerId.isUser() && appUsersManager.isBot(peerId.toUserId());
public isContact(peerId: PeerId): boolean {
return peerId.isUser() && appUsersManager.isContact(peerId.toUserId());
public isUser(peerId: PeerId)/* : peerId is UserId */ {
return +peerId >= 0;
public isAnyChat(peerId: PeerId) {
return !this.isUser(peerId);
/* public getInputPeer(peerString: string): InputPeer {
var firstChar = peerString.charAt(0);
var peerParams = peerString.substr(1).split('_');
let id = +peerParams[0];
if(firstChar === 'u') {
//appUsersManager.saveUserAccess(id, peerParams[1]);
return {
_: 'inputPeerUser',
user_id: id,
access_hash: peerParams[1]
} else if(firstChar === 'c' || firstChar === 's') {
//appChatsManager.saveChannelAccess(id, peerParams[1]);
if(firstChar === 's') {
return {
_: 'inputPeerChannel',
channel_id: id,
access_hash: peerParams[1] || '0'
} else {
return {
_: 'inputPeerChat',
chat_id: id
} */
public getInputNotifyPeerById(peerId: PeerId, ignorePeerId: true): Exclude<InputNotifyPeer, InputNotifyPeer.inputNotifyPeer>;
public getInputNotifyPeerById(peerId: PeerId, ignorePeerId?: false): InputNotifyPeer.inputNotifyPeer;
public getInputNotifyPeerById(peerId: PeerId, ignorePeerId?: boolean): InputNotifyPeer {
if(ignorePeerId) {
if(peerId.isUser()) {
return {_: 'inputNotifyUsers'};
} else {
if(this.isBroadcast(peerId)) {
return {_: 'inputNotifyBroadcasts'};
} else {
return {_: 'inputNotifyChats'};
} else {
return {
_: 'inputNotifyPeer',
peer: this.getInputPeerById(peerId)
public getInputPeerById(peerId: PeerId): InputPeer {
if(!peerId) {
return {_: 'inputPeerEmpty'};
if(!peerId.isUser()) {
const chatId = peerId.toChatId();
return appChatsManager.getInputPeer(chatId);
const userId = peerId.toUserId();
return appUsersManager.getUserInputPeer(userId);
public getInputPeerSelf(): InputPeer.inputPeerSelf {
return {_: 'inputPeerSelf'};
public getInputDialogPeerById(peerId: PeerId | InputPeer): InputDialogPeer {
return {
_: 'inputDialogPeer',
peer: isObject<InputPeer>(peerId) ? peerId : this.getInputPeerById(peerId)
public getPeerColorById(peerId: PeerId, pic = true) {
if(!peerId) return '';
const idx = DialogColorsMap[Math.abs(+peerId) % 7];
const color = (pic ? DialogColors : DialogColorsFg)[idx];
return color;
public getPeerSearchText(peerId: PeerId) {
let text: string;
if(this.isUser(peerId)) {
text = '%pu ' + appUsersManager.getUserSearchText(peerId.toUserId());
} else {
const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(peerId.toChatId());
text = '%pg ' + (chat.title || '');
return text;
public getDialogType(peerId: PeerId): PeerType {
if(this.isMegagroup(peerId)) {
return 'megagroup';
} else if(this.isChannel(peerId)) {
return 'channel';
} else if(!this.isUser(peerId)) {
return 'group';
} else {
return peerId === rootScope.myId ? 'saved' : 'chat';
public getDeleteButtonText(peerId: PeerId): LangPackKey {
switch(this.getDialogType(peerId)) {
case 'channel':
return appChatsManager.hasRights(peerId.toChatId(), 'delete_chat') ? 'ChannelDelete' : 'ChatList.Context.LeaveChannel';
case 'megagroup':
case 'group':
return appChatsManager.hasRights(peerId.toChatId(), 'delete_chat') ? 'DeleteMega' : 'ChatList.Context.LeaveGroup';
return 'ChatList.Context.DeleteChat';
public noForwards(peerId: PeerId) {
if(peerId.isUser()) return false;
else {
const chat = appChatsManager.getChatTyped(peerId.toChatId());
return !!(chat as;
export type IsPeerType = 'isChannel' | 'isMegagroup' | 'isAnyGroup' | 'isBroadcast' | 'isBot' | 'isContact' | 'isUser' | 'isAnyChat';
].forEach((value) => {
const newMethod = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value;
const originMethod = Array.isArray(value) ? value[1] : value;
// @ts-ignore
String.prototype[newMethod] = function() {
// @ts-ignore
return appPeersManager[originMethod](this.toString());
// @ts-ignore
Number.prototype[newMethod] = function() {
// @ts-ignore
return appPeersManager[originMethod](this);
declare global {
interface String {
isChannel(): boolean;
isMegagroup(): boolean;
isAnyGroup(): boolean;
isBroadcast(): boolean;
isBot(): boolean;
isContact(): boolean;
isUser(): boolean;
isAnyChat(): boolean;
interface Number {
isChannel(): boolean;
isMegagroup(): boolean;
isAnyGroup(): boolean;
isBroadcast(): boolean;
isBot(): boolean;
isContact(): boolean;
isUser(): boolean;
isAnyChat(): boolean;
const appPeersManager = new AppPeersManager();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appPeersManager = appPeersManager;
export default appPeersManager;