Eduard Kuzmenko 044f23fc62 Fix gif thumbs
Fix dead streaming & downloading through SW
Possible fix for stuck sticker viewer
2022-08-28 18:50:04 +02:00

65 lines
2.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import type {WebPushApiManager} from '../mtproto/webPushApiManager';
import type {PushNotificationObject} from './push';
import type {MyUploadFile} from '../mtproto/apiFileManager';
import SuperMessagePort from '../mtproto/superMessagePort';
import {MOUNT_CLASS_TO} from '../../config/debug';
export type ServicePushPingTaskPayload = {
localNotifications: boolean,
lang: {
push_action_mute1d: string
push_action_settings: string
push_message_nopreview: string
settings: WebPushApiManager['settings']
export type ServiceRequestFilePartTaskPayload = {
docId: DocId,
dcId: number,
offset: number,
limit: number
export type ServiceDownloadTaskPayload = {
headers: any,
id: string
export type ServiceEvent = {
port: (payload: void, source: MessageEventSource, event: MessageEvent) => void
export default class ServiceMessagePort<Master extends boolean = false> extends SuperMessagePort<{
// from main thread to service worker
notificationsClear: () => void,
toggleStorages: (payload: {enabled: boolean, clearWrite: boolean}) => void,
pushPing: (payload: ServicePushPingTaskPayload, source: MessageEventSource, event: MessageEvent) => void,
hello: (payload: void, source: MessageEventSource, event: MessageEvent) => void,
// from mtproto worker
download: (payload: ServiceDownloadTaskPayload) => void,
downloadChunk: (payload: {id: ServiceDownloadTaskPayload['id'], chunk: Uint8Array}) => void
downloadFinalize: (payload: ServiceDownloadTaskPayload['id']) => void,
downloadCancel: (payload: ServiceDownloadTaskPayload['id']) => void
}, {
// to main thread
pushClick: (payload: PushNotificationObject) => void,
hello: (payload: void, source: MessageEventSource) => void,
// to mtproto worker
requestFilePart: (payload: ServiceRequestFilePartTaskPayload) => Promise<MyUploadFile> | MyUploadFile
} & ServiceEvent, Master> {
constructor() {
MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.serviceMessagePort = this);