
1 line
26 KiB

{"version":3,"file":"","mappings":"qIAAO,MAAM,EAAe,CAAC,IAAK,GAAI,GAAI,GAAI,GAAI,GAAI,GAAI,IACpDA,EAAW,GACjB,IAAK,IAAIC,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAI,IAAKA,IAAK,CAC1B,IAAIC,EAAID,EACR,IAAK,IAAIE,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAI,EAAGA,IACX,EAAJD,EACAA,EAAI,WAAcA,IAAM,EAGxBA,KAAU,EAGlBF,EAASC,GAAKC,CAClB,CACA,MAAME,EAAa,WCdZ,IAAI,EASA,EAKA,EAKA,EACAC,EALAC,EALAC,EATAC,KAOR,IAAc,EAAY,CAAC,IANhBA,EAAmB,SAAK,GAAK,UACvCA,EAAUA,EAAqB,UAAI,GAAK,YACxCA,EAAUA,EAAsB,WAAI,GAAK,aACzCA,EAAUA,EAA0B,eAAI,GAAK,iBAC7CA,EAAUA,EAA2B,gBAAI,GAAK,kBAC9CA,EAAUA,EAA4B,iBAAI,GAAK,oBAGxCD,EAGR,IAAsB,EAAoB,CAAC,IAFxBA,EAA2B,SAAK,GAAK,UACvDA,EAAkBA,EAA2B,QAAI,GAAK,WAG/CD,EAGR,IAAiB,EAAe,CAAC,IAFnBA,EAAsB,SAAK,GAAK,UAC7CA,EAAaA,EAAuB,SAAI,GAAK,YAGtCD,EAIR,IAAoB,EAAkB,CAAC,IAHtBA,EAAyB,SAAK,GAAK,UACnDA,EAAgBA,EAA8B,aAAI,GAAK,eACvDA,EAAgBA,EAAuB,MAAI,GAAK,QCnBtC,IAAII,WAAW,GAA7B,MAEMC,EAAS,IAAIC,YAAY,CAAC,MAClB,IAAIF,WAAWC,EAAOE,QACL,GCJ/B,MAAMC,EAAqB,CACvBC,MAAO,GAEI,MAAMC,UAAmB,IACpCC,YAAYC,EAAMC,EAAU,CAAC,GACzBC,QACAC,KAAKC,WAAa,UAClBD,KAAKE,aAAeC,OAAOC,OAAO,CAAC,EAAGX,EAAoBK,EAAQO,MAClEL,KAAKM,KAAON,KAAKO,WAAWV,GAC5BG,KAAKQ,cACT,CACAC,SAKI,OAJAT,KAAKU,kBACLV,KAAKW,aACLX,KAAKY,aACLZ,KAAKa,aACEb,KAAKc,SAChB,CAEAJ,kBACIV,KAAKe,WAAW,EACpB,CAEAJ,aACIX,KAAKgB,YAAY,IACjBhB,KAAKiB,WAAW,QAChBjB,KAAKgB,YAAYhB,KAAKM,KAAKY,OAC3BlB,KAAKgB,YAAYhB,KAAKM,KAAKa,QAC3BnB,KAAKoB,UAAUpB,KAAKM,KAAKe,OACzBrB,KAAKoB,UAAUpB,KAAKC,YACpBD,KAAKoB,UAAU,WACfpB,KAAKoB,UAAU,YACfpB,KAAKoB,UAAU,gBACfpB,KAAKsB,SAAS,GAClB,CAEAT,aACIb,KAAKgB,YAAY,GACjBhB,KAAKiB,WAAW,QAChBjB,KAAKsB,SAAS,EAClB,CAEAC,WAAW1B,GACPG,KAAKgB,YAAYnB,EAAK2B,QACtBxB,KAAKiB,WAAW,QAChBjB,KAAKe,WAAWlB,GAChBG,KAAKsB,SAASzB,EAAK2B,OAAS,EAChC,CACAZ,aACI,MAAM,MAAEM,EAAK,OAAEC,EAAM,SAAEM,EAAQ,MAAEJ,EAAK,KAAExB,GAASG,KAAKM,KAChDoB,EAAeD,EAAWP,EAC1BS,GAAU,IAAI,KAAWnB,eAC/B,IAAIoB,EAAS,EACb,IAAK,IAAIC,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAIV,EAAQU,IAGxB,GAFAF,EAAQP,UAAU,GAEJ,IAAVC,EACAO,EAASE,EAAejC,EAAM8B,EAASD,EAAcE,OAEpD,IAAc,KAAVP,EAIL,MAAM,IAAIU,MAAM,eAHhBH,EAASI,EAAgBnC,EAAM8B,EAASD,EAAcE,EAI1D,CAEJ,MAAMpC,EAASmC,EAAQb,UACjBmB,GAAa,QAAQzC,EAAQQ,KAAKE,cACxCF,KAAKuB,WAAWU,EACpB,CACA1B,WAAWV,GACP,MAAM,UAAEqC,EAAS,SAAET,EAAQ,MAAEJ,GA0BrC,SAAsBxB,GAClB,MAAM,SAAE4B,EAAW,EAAC,MAAEJ,EAAQ,GAAMxB,EACpC,GAAiB,IAAb4B,GAA+B,IAAbA,GAA+B,IAAbA,GAA+B,IAAbA,EACtD,MAAM,IAAIU,WAAW,mCAAmCV,KAE5D,GAAc,IAAVJ,GAAyB,KAAVA,EACf,MAAM,IAAIc,WAAW,0BAA0Bd,KAEnD,MAAMe,EAAc,CAAEX,WAAUJ,QAAOa,UAAW,WAClD,OAAQT,GACJ,KAAK,EACDW,EAAYF,UAAY,mBACxB,MACJ,KAAK,EACDE,EAAYF,UAAY,aACxB,MACJ,KAAK,EACDE,EAAYF,UAAY,YACxB,MACJ,KAAK,EACDE,EAAYF,UAAY,kBACxB,MACJ,QACI,MAAM,IAAIH,MAAM,kCAExB,OAAOK,CACX,CApD+CC,CAAaxC,GAC9CyC,EAAM,CACRpB,MAAOqB,EAAa1C,EAAKqB,MAAO,SAChCC,OAAQoB,EAAa1C,EAAKsB,OAAQ,UAClCM,SAAUA,EACV5B,KAAMA,EAAKA,KACXwB,MAAOA,EACPmB,KAAM,CAAC,GAEXxC,KAAKC,WAAaiC,EAClB,MAAMO,EAAeH,EAAIpB,MAAQoB,EAAInB,OAASM,EAC9C,GAAIa,EAAIzC,KAAK2B,SAAWiB,EACpB,MAAM,IAAIN,WAAW,0BAA0BG,EAAIzC,KAAK2B,oBAAoBiB,KAEhF,OAAOH,CACX,CACAhB,SAASE,GACLxB,KAAKgB,YHtEN,SAAanB,EAAM2B,GACtB,OARJ,SAAmBkB,EAAY7C,EAAM2B,GACjC,IAAI1C,EAOcE,WANlB,IAAK,IAAIH,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAI2C,EAAQ3C,IACxBC,EAAIF,EAAyB,KAAfE,EAAIe,EAAKhB,KAAeC,IAAM,EAEhD,OAAOA,CACX,CAEY6D,CAAU3D,EAAYa,EAAM2B,GAAUxC,KAAgB,CAClE,CGoEyB,CAAI,IAAIK,WAAWW,KAAKR,OAAQQ,KAAK4C,WAAa5C,KAAK4B,OAASJ,EAAQA,GAASA,GACtG,EAEJ,SAASe,EAAaM,EAAOC,GACzB,GAAIC,OAAOC,UAAUH,IAAUA,EAAQ,EACnC,OAAOA,EAEX,MAAM,IAAII,UAAU,GAAGH,+BAC3B,CA4BA,SAAShB,EAAejC,EAAM8B,EAASD,EAAcE,GACjD,IAAK,IAAIsB,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAIxB,EAAcwB,IAC9BvB,EAAQP,UAAUvB,EAAK+B,MAE3B,OAAOA,CACX,CACA,SAASI,EAAgBnC,EAAM8B,EAASD,EAAcE,GAClD,IAAK,IAAIsB,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAIxB,EAAcwB,IAC9BvB,EAAQwB,YAAYtD,EAAK+B,MAE7B,OAAOA,CACX,CC3IO,IAAIwB,ECOX,SAASC,EAAUf,EAAKxC,GAEpB,OADgB,IAAIH,EAAW2C,EAAKxC,GACrBW,QACnB,EDTA,SAAW2C,GAIPA,EAAwBA,EAAiC,QAAI,GAAK,UAIlEA,EAAwBA,EAA+B,MAAI,GAAK,OACnE,CATD,CASGA,IAA4BA,EAA0B,CAAC,G","sources":["webpack://tweb/./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/common.js","webpack://tweb/./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/internalTypes.js","webpack://tweb/./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PngDecoder.js","webpack://tweb/./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PngEncoder.js","webpack://tweb/./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/types.js","webpack://tweb/./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js"],"sourcesContent":["export const pngSignature = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10];\nconst crcTable = [];\nfor (let n = 0; n < 256; n++) {\n let c = n;\n for (let k = 0; k < 8; k++) {\n if (c & 1) {\n c = 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1);\n }\n else {\n c = c >>> 1;\n }\n }\n crcTable[n] = c;\n}\nconst initialCrc = 0xffffffff;\nfunction updateCrc(currentCrc, data, length) {\n let c = currentCrc;\n for (let n = 0; n < length; n++) {\n c = crcTable[(c ^ data[n]) & 0xff] ^ (c >>> 8);\n }\n return c;\n}\nexport function crc(data, length) {\n return (updateCrc(initialCrc, data, length) ^ initialCrc) >>> 0;\n}\n//#","export var ColorType;\n(function (ColorType) {\n ColorType[ColorType[\"UNKNOWN\"] = -1] = \"UNKNOWN\";\n ColorType[ColorType[\"GREYSCALE\"] = 0] = \"GREYSCALE\";\n ColorType[ColorType[\"TRUECOLOUR\"] = 2] = \"TRUECOLOUR\";\n ColorType[ColorType[\"INDEXED_COLOUR\"] = 3] = \"INDEXED_COLOUR\";\n ColorType[ColorType[\"GREYSCALE_ALPHA\"] = 4] = \"GREYSCALE_ALPHA\";\n ColorType[ColorType[\"TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA\"] = 6] = \"TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA\";\n})(ColorType || (ColorType = {}));\nexport var CompressionMethod;\n(function (CompressionMethod) {\n CompressionMethod[CompressionMethod[\"UNKNOWN\"] = -1] = \"UNKNOWN\";\n CompressionMethod[CompressionMethod[\"DEFLATE\"] = 0] = \"DEFLATE\";\n})(CompressionMethod || (CompressionMethod = {}));\nexport var FilterMethod;\n(function (FilterMethod) {\n FilterMethod[FilterMethod[\"UNKNOWN\"] = -1] = \"UNKNOWN\";\n FilterMethod[FilterMethod[\"ADAPTIVE\"] = 0] = \"ADAPTIVE\";\n})(FilterMethod || (FilterMethod = {}));\nexport var InterlaceMethod;\n(function (InterlaceMethod) {\n InterlaceMethod[InterlaceMethod[\"UNKNOWN\"] = -1] = \"UNKNOWN\";\n InterlaceMethod[InterlaceMethod[\"NO_INTERLACE\"] = 0] = \"NO_INTERLACE\";\n InterlaceMethod[InterlaceMethod[\"ADAM7\"] = 1] = \"ADAM7\";\n})(InterlaceMethod || (InterlaceMethod = {}));\n//#","import { IOBuffer } from 'iobuffer';\nimport { inflate, Inflate as Inflator } from 'pako';\nimport { pngSignature, crc } from './common';\nimport { ColorType, CompressionMethod, FilterMethod, InterlaceMethod, } from './internalTypes';\nconst empty = new Uint8Array(0);\nconst NULL = '\\0';\nconst uint16 = new Uint16Array([0x00ff]);\nconst uint8 = new Uint8Array(uint16.buffer);\nconst osIsLittleEndian = uint8[0] === 0xff;\nexport default class PngDecoder extends IOBuffer {\n constructor(data, options = {}) {\n super(data);\n const { checkCrc = false } = options;\n this._checkCrc = checkCrc;\n this._inflator = new Inflator();\n this._png = {\n width: -1,\n height: -1,\n channels: -1,\n data: new Uint8Array(0),\n depth: 1,\n text: {},\n };\n this._end = false;\n this._hasPalette = false;\n this._palette = [];\n this._compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.UNKNOWN;\n this._filterMethod = FilterMethod.UNKNOWN;\n this._interlaceMethod = InterlaceMethod.UNKNOWN;\n this._colorType = -1;\n // PNG is always big endian\n //\n this.setBigEndian();\n }\n decode() {\n this.decodeSignature();\n while (!this._end) {\n this.decodeChunk();\n }\n this.decodeImage();\n return this._png;\n }\n //\n decodeSignature() {\n for (let i = 0; i < pngSignature.length; i++) {\n if (this.readUint8() !== pngSignature[i]) {\n throw new Error(`wrong PNG signature. Byte at ${i} should be ${pngSignature[i]}.`);\n }\n }\n }\n //\n decodeChunk() {\n const length = this.readUint32();\n const type = this.readChars(4);\n const offset = this.offset;\n switch (type) {\n // 11.2 Critical chunks\n case 'IHDR': // 11.2.2 IHDR Image header\n this.decodeIHDR();\n break;\n case 'PLTE': // 11.2.3 PLTE Palette\n this.decodePLTE(length);\n break;\n case 'IDAT': // 11.2.4 IDAT Image data\n this.decodeIDAT(length);\n break;\n case 'IEND': // 11.2.5 IEND Image trailer\n this._end = true;\n break;\n // 11.3 Ancillary chunks\n case 'tRNS': // tRNS Transparency\n this.decodetRNS(length);\n break;\n case 'iCCP': // iCCP Embedded ICC profile\n this.decodeiCCP(length);\n break;\n case 'tEXt': // tEXt Textual data\n this.decodetEXt(length);\n break;\n case 'pHYs': // pHYs Physical pixel dimensions\n this.decodepHYs();\n break;\n default:\n this.skip(length);\n break;\n }\n if (this.offset - offset !== length) {\n throw new Error(`Length mismatch while decoding chunk ${type}`);\n }\n if (this._checkCrc) {\n const expectedCrc = this.readUint32();\n const crcLength = length + 4; // includes type\n const actualCrc = crc(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.offset - crcLength - 4, crcLength), crcLength); // \"- 4\" because we already advanced by reading the CRC\n if (actualCrc !== expectedCrc) {\n throw new Error(`CRC mismatch for chunk ${type}. Expected ${expectedCrc}, found ${actualCrc}`);\n }\n }\n else {\n this.skip(4);\n }\n }\n //\n decodeIHDR() {\n const image = this._png;\n image.width = this.readUint32();\n image.height = this.readUint32();\n image.depth = checkBitDepth(this.readUint8());\n const colorType = this.readUint8();\n this._colorType = colorType;\n let channels;\n switch (colorType) {\n case ColorType.GREYSCALE:\n channels = 1;\n break;\n case ColorType.TRUECOLOUR:\n channels = 3;\n break;\n case ColorType.INDEXED_COLOUR:\n channels = 1;\n break;\n case ColorType.GREYSCALE_ALPHA:\n channels = 2;\n break;\n case ColorType.TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA:\n channels = 4;\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown color type: ${colorType}`);\n }\n this._png.channels = channels;\n this._compressionMethod = this.readUint8();\n if (this._compressionMethod !== CompressionMethod.DEFLATE) {\n throw new Error(`Unsupported compression method: ${this._compressionMethod}`);\n }\n this._filterMethod = this.readUint8();\n this._interlaceMethod = this.readUint8();\n }\n //\n decodePLTE(length) {\n if (length % 3 !== 0) {\n throw new RangeError(`PLTE field length must be a multiple of 3. Got ${length}`);\n }\n const l = length / 3;\n this._hasPalette = true;\n const palette = [];\n this._palette = palette;\n for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {\n palette.push([this.readUint8(), this.readUint8(), this.readUint8()]);\n }\n }\n //\n decodeIDAT(length) {\n this._inflator.push(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.offset + this.byteOffset, length));\n this.skip(length);\n }\n //\n decodetRNS(length) {\n // TODO: support other color types.\n if (this._colorType === 3) {\n if (length > this._palette.length) {\n throw new Error(`tRNS chunk contains more alpha values than there are palette colors (${length} vs ${this._palette.length})`);\n }\n let i = 0;\n for (; i < length; i++) {\n const alpha = this.readByte();\n this._palette[i].push(alpha);\n }\n for (; i < this._palette.length; i++) {\n this._palette[i].push(255);\n }\n }\n }\n //\n decodeiCCP(length) {\n let name = '';\n let char;\n while ((char = this.readChar()) !== NULL) {\n name += char;\n }\n const compressionMethod = this.readUint8();\n if (compressionMethod !== CompressionMethod.DEFLATE) {\n throw new Error(`Unsupported iCCP compression method: ${compressionMethod}`);\n }\n const compressedProfile = this.readBytes(length - name.length - 2);\n this._png.iccEmbeddedProfile = {\n name: name,\n profile: inflate(compressedProfile),\n };\n }\n //\n decodetEXt(length) {\n let keyword = '';\n let char;\n while ((char = this.readChar()) !== NULL) {\n keyword += char;\n }\n this._png.text[keyword] = this.readChars(length - keyword.length - 1);\n }\n //\n decodepHYs() {\n const ppuX = this.readUint32();\n const ppuY = this.readUint32();\n const unitSpecifier = this.readByte();\n this._png.resolution = { x: ppuX, y: ppuY, unit: unitSpecifier };\n }\n decodeImage() {\n if (this._inflator.err) {\n throw new Error(`Error while decompressing the data: ${this._inflator.err}`);\n }\n const data = this._inflator.result;\n if (this._filterMethod !== FilterMethod.ADAPTIVE) {\n throw new Error(`Filter method ${this._filterMethod} not supported`);\n }\n if (this._interlaceMethod === InterlaceMethod.NO_INTERLACE) {\n this.decodeInterlaceNull(data);\n }\n else {\n throw new Error(`Interlace method ${this._interlaceMethod} not supported`);\n }\n }\n decodeInterlaceNull(data) {\n const height = this._png.height;\n const bytesPerPixel = (this._png.channels * this._png.depth) / 8;\n const bytesPerLine = this._png.width * bytesPerPixel;\n const newData = new Uint8Array(this._png.height * bytesPerLine);\n let prevLine = empty;\n let offset = 0;\n let currentLine;\n let newLine;\n for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {\n currentLine = data.subarray(offset + 1, offset + 1 + bytesPerLine);\n newLine = newData.subarray(i * bytesPerLine, (i + 1) * bytesPerLine);\n switch (data[offset]) {\n case 0:\n unfilterNone(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine);\n break;\n case 1:\n unfilterSub(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\n break;\n case 2:\n unfilterUp(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine);\n break;\n case 3:\n unfilterAverage(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\n break;\n case 4:\n unfilterPaeth(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unsupported filter: ${data[offset]}`);\n }\n prevLine = newLine;\n offset += bytesPerLine + 1;\n }\n if (this._hasPalette) {\n this._png.palette = this._palette;\n }\n if (this._png.depth === 16) {\n const uint16Data = new Uint16Array(newData.buffer);\n if (osIsLittleEndian) {\n for (let k = 0; k < uint16Data.length; k++) {\n // PNG is always big endian. Swap the bytes.\n uint16Data[k] = swap16(uint16Data[k]);\n }\n }\n = uint16Data;\n }\n else {\n = newData;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction unfilterNone(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine) {\n for (let i = 0; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\n }\n}\nfunction unfilterSub(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\n let i = 0;\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\n // just copy first bytes\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\n }\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + newLine[i - bytesPerPixel]) & 0xff;\n }\n}\nfunction unfilterUp(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine) {\n let i = 0;\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\n // just copy bytes for first line\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\n }\n }\n else {\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + prevLine[i]) & 0xff;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction unfilterAverage(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\n let i = 0;\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\n }\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + (newLine[i - bytesPerPixel] >> 1)) & 0xff;\n }\n }\n else {\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + (prevLine[i] >> 1)) & 0xff;\n }\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] =\n (currentLine[i] + ((newLine[i - bytesPerPixel] + prevLine[i]) >> 1)) &\n 0xff;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction unfilterPaeth(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\n let i = 0;\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\n }\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + newLine[i - bytesPerPixel]) & 0xff;\n }\n }\n else {\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + prevLine[i]) & 0xff;\n }\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\n newLine[i] =\n (currentLine[i] +\n paethPredictor(newLine[i - bytesPerPixel], prevLine[i], prevLine[i - bytesPerPixel])) &\n 0xff;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction paethPredictor(a, b, c) {\n const p = a + b - c;\n const pa = Math.abs(p - a);\n const pb = Math.abs(p - b);\n const pc = Math.abs(p - c);\n if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc)\n return a;\n else if (pb <= pc)\n return b;\n else\n return c;\n}\nfunction swap16(val) {\n return ((val & 0xff) << 8) | ((val >> 8) & 0xff);\n}\nfunction checkBitDepth(value) {\n if (value !== 1 &&\n value !== 2 &&\n value !== 4 &&\n value !== 8 &&\n value !== 16) {\n throw new Error(`invalid bit depth: ${value}`);\n }\n return value;\n}\n//#","import { IOBuffer } from 'iobuffer';\nimport { deflate } from 'pako';\nimport { pngSignature, crc } from './common';\nimport { ColorType, CompressionMethod, FilterMethod, InterlaceMethod, } from './internalTypes';\nconst defaultZlibOptions = {\n level: 3,\n};\nexport default class PngEncoder extends IOBuffer {\n constructor(data, options = {}) {\n super();\n this._colorType = ColorType.UNKNOWN;\n this._zlibOptions = Object.assign({}, defaultZlibOptions, options.zlib);\n this._png = this._checkData(data);\n this.setBigEndian();\n }\n encode() {\n this.encodeSignature();\n this.encodeIHDR();\n this.encodeData();\n this.encodeIEND();\n return this.toArray();\n }\n //\n encodeSignature() {\n this.writeBytes(pngSignature);\n }\n //\n encodeIHDR() {\n this.writeUint32(13);\n this.writeChars('IHDR');\n this.writeUint32(this._png.width);\n this.writeUint32(this._png.height);\n this.writeByte(this._png.depth);\n this.writeByte(this._colorType);\n this.writeByte(CompressionMethod.DEFLATE);\n this.writeByte(FilterMethod.ADAPTIVE);\n this.writeByte(InterlaceMethod.NO_INTERLACE);\n this.writeCrc(17);\n }\n //\n encodeIEND() {\n this.writeUint32(0);\n this.writeChars('IEND');\n this.writeCrc(4);\n }\n //\n encodeIDAT(data) {\n this.writeUint32(data.length);\n this.writeChars('IDAT');\n this.writeBytes(data);\n this.writeCrc(data.length + 4);\n }\n encodeData() {\n const { width, height, channels, depth, data } = this._png;\n const slotsPerLine = channels * width;\n const newData = new IOBuffer().setBigEndian();\n let offset = 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {\n newData.writeByte(0); // no filter\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n if (depth === 8) {\n offset = writeDataBytes(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset);\n }\n else if (depth === 16) {\n offset = writeDataUint16(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset);\n }\n else {\n throw new Error('unreachable');\n }\n }\n const buffer = newData.toArray();\n const compressed = deflate(buffer, this._zlibOptions);\n this.encodeIDAT(compressed);\n }\n _checkData(data) {\n const { colorType, channels, depth } = getColorType(data);\n const png = {\n width: checkInteger(data.width, 'width'),\n height: checkInteger(data.height, 'height'),\n channels: channels,\n data:,\n depth: depth,\n text: {},\n };\n this._colorType = colorType;\n const expectedSize = png.width * png.height * channels;\n if ( !== expectedSize) {\n throw new RangeError(`wrong data size. Found ${}, expected ${expectedSize}`);\n }\n return png;\n }\n writeCrc(length) {\n this.writeUint32(crc(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.offset - length, length), length));\n }\n}\nfunction checkInteger(value, name) {\n if (Number.isInteger(value) && value > 0) {\n return value;\n }\n throw new TypeError(`${name} must be a positive integer`);\n}\nfunction getColorType(data) {\n const { channels = 4, depth = 8 } = data;\n if (channels !== 4 && channels !== 3 && channels !== 2 && channels !== 1) {\n throw new RangeError(`unsupported number of channels: ${channels}`);\n }\n if (depth !== 8 && depth !== 16) {\n throw new RangeError(`unsupported bit depth: ${depth}`);\n }\n const returnValue = { channels, depth, colorType: ColorType.UNKNOWN };\n switch (channels) {\n case 4:\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA;\n break;\n case 3:\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.TRUECOLOUR;\n break;\n case 1:\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.GREYSCALE;\n break;\n case 2:\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.GREYSCALE_ALPHA;\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error('unsupported number of channels');\n }\n return returnValue;\n}\nfunction writeDataBytes(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset) {\n for (let j = 0; j < slotsPerLine; j++) {\n newData.writeByte(data[offset++]);\n }\n return offset;\n}\nfunction writeDataUint16(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset) {\n for (let j = 0; j < slotsPerLine; j++) {\n newData.writeUint16(data[offset++]);\n }\n return offset;\n}\n//#","export var ResolutionUnitSpecifier;\n(function (ResolutionUnitSpecifier) {\n /**\n * Unit is unknown\n */\n ResolutionUnitSpecifier[ResolutionUnitSpecifier[\"UNKNOWN\"] = 0] = \"UNKNOWN\";\n /**\n * Unit is the metre\n */\n ResolutionUnitSpecifier[ResolutionUnitSpecifier[\"METRE\"] = 1] = \"METRE\";\n})(ResolutionUnitSpecifier || (ResolutionUnitSpecifier = {}));\n//#","import PngDecoder from './PngDecoder';\nimport PngEncoder from './PngEncoder';\nexport * from './types';\nfunction decodePng(data, options) {\n const decoder = new PngDecoder(data, options);\n return decoder.decode();\n}\nfunction encodePng(png, options) {\n const encoder = new PngEncoder(png, options);\n return encoder.encode();\n}\nexport { decodePng as decode, encodePng as encode };\n//#"],"names":["crcTable","n","c","k","initialCrc","InterlaceMethod","FilterMethod","CompressionMethod","ColorType","Uint8Array","uint16","Uint16Array","buffer","defaultZlibOptions","level","PngEncoder","constructor","data","options","super","this","_colorType","_zlibOptions","Object","assign","zlib","_png","_checkData","setBigEndian","encode","encodeSignature","encodeIHDR","encodeData","encodeIEND","toArray","writeBytes","writeUint32","writeChars","width","height","writeByte","depth","writeCrc","encodeIDAT","length","channels","slotsPerLine","newData","offset","i","writeDataBytes","Error","writeDataUint16","compressed","colorType","RangeError","returnValue","getColorType","png","checkInteger","text","expectedSize","currentCrc","updateCrc","byteOffset","value","name","Number","isInteger","TypeError","j","writeUint16","ResolutionUnitSpecifier","encodePng"],"sourceRoot":""}