import { putPreloader, renderImageFromUrl } from "../../components/misc"; //import Scrollable from '../../components/scrollable'; import Scrollable from '../../components/scrollable_new'; import { $rootScope } from "../utils"; import appMessagesManager from "./appMessagesManager"; import appPhotosManager from "./appPhotosManager"; import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager"; import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager"; import appProfileManager from "./appProfileManager"; import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor"; import { logger, LogLevels } from "../logger"; import appImManager from "./appImManager"; import appMediaViewer from "./appMediaViewer"; import LazyLoadQueue from "../../components/lazyLoadQueue"; import { wrapDocument, wrapAudio } from "../../components/wrappers"; import AppSearch, { SearchGroup } from "../../components/appSearch"; import AvatarElement from "../../components/avatar"; import appForward from "../../components/appForward"; import SidebarSlider from "../../components/slider"; import SearchInput from "../../components/searchInput"; import { horizontalMenu } from "../../components/horizontalMenu"; import AppStickersTab from "../../components/sidebarRight/stickers"; import AppPollResultsTab from "../../components/sidebarRight/pollResults"; import AppGifsTab from "../../components/sidebarRight/gifs"; import mediaSizes, { ScreenSize } from "../../helpers/mediaSizes"; import { isSafari } from "../../helpers/userAgent"; const testScroll = false; const COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME = 'is-right-column-shown'; let setText = (text: string, el: HTMLDivElement) => { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { if(el.childElementCount > 1) { el.firstElementChild.remove(); } let p = document.createElement('p'); p.innerHTML = text; el.prepend(p); = ''; }); }; const stickersTab = new AppStickersTab(); const pollResultsTab = new AppPollResultsTab(); const gifsTab = new AppGifsTab(); type ContentType = 'contentMembers' | 'contentMedia' | 'contentDocuments' | 'contentLinks' | 'contentAudio'; type SharedMediaType = 'inputMessagesFilterContacts' | 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo' | 'inputMessagesFilterDocument' | 'inputMessagesFilterUrl' | 'inputMessagesFilterMusic'; const contentToSharedMap: {[contentType in ContentType]: SharedMediaType} = { contentMembers: 'inputMessagesFilterContacts', contentMedia: 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo', contentDocuments: 'inputMessagesFilterDocument', contentLinks: 'inputMessagesFilterUrl', contentAudio: 'inputMessagesFilterMusic' }; // TODO: отправленное сообщение с картинкой, или же новое полученное апдейтом сообщение не отобразится в медии // TODO: по-хорошему, нужно просто сделать апдейты для всего сайдбара export class AppSidebarRight extends SidebarSlider { public static SLIDERITEMSIDS = { search: 1, forward: 2, stickers: 3, pollResults: 4, gifs: 5, }; public profileContainer: HTMLDivElement; public profileContentEl: HTMLDivElement; public contentContainer: HTMLDivElement; public profileElements: { avatar: AvatarElement, name: HTMLDivElement, subtitle: HTMLDivElement, bio: HTMLDivElement, username: HTMLDivElement, phone: HTMLDivElement, notificationsRow: HTMLDivElement, notificationsCheckbox: HTMLInputElement, notificationsStatus: HTMLParagraphElement } = {} as any; public sharedMedia: { [t in ContentType]: HTMLDivElement } = {} as any; private loadSidebarMediaPromises: {[type: string]: Promise} = {}; private loadedAllMedia: {[type: string]: boolean} = {}; public sharedMediaTypes: SharedMediaType[] = [ //'members', 'inputMessagesFilterContacts', 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo', 'inputMessagesFilterDocument', 'inputMessagesFilterUrl', 'inputMessagesFilterMusic' ]; public sharedMediaType: SharedMediaType = 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo'; private sharedMediaSelected: HTMLDivElement = null; private lazyLoadQueue = new LazyLoadQueue(); public historiesStorage: { [peerID: number]: Partial<{ [type in SharedMediaType]: number[] }> } = {}; public usedFromHistory: Partial<{ [type in SharedMediaType]: number }> = {}; private log = logger('SR', LogLevels.error); private peerID = 0; public scroll: Scrollable = null; private profileTabs: HTMLUListElement; private prevTabID = -1; private mediaDivsByIDs: { [mid: number]: HTMLDivElement } = {}; public urlsToRevoke: string[] = []; private searchContainer: HTMLDivElement;; public searchCloseBtn: HTMLButtonElement; private searchInput: SearchInput; public privateSearch: AppSearch; private loadMutex: Promise = Promise.resolve(); public stickersTab: AppStickersTab; public pollResultsTab: AppPollResultsTab; public gifsTab: AppGifsTab; constructor() { super(document.getElementById('column-right') as HTMLElement, { [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.stickers]: stickersTab, [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.pollResults]: pollResultsTab, [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.gifs]: gifsTab }); //this._selectTab(3); this.stickersTab = stickersTab; this.pollResultsTab = pollResultsTab; this.gifsTab = gifsTab; this.profileContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.profile-container'); this.profileContentEl = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.profile-content'); this.contentContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.content-container'); this.profileElements = { avatar: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-avatar'), name: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-name'), subtitle: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-subtitle'), bio: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-bio'), username: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-username'), phone: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-phone'), notificationsRow: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-notifications'), notificationsCheckbox: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#profile-notifications'), notificationsStatus: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-notifications > p') }; this.sharedMedia = { contentMembers: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-members'), contentMedia: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-media'), contentDocuments: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-docs'), contentLinks: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-links'), contentAudio: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-audio'), }; this.searchContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('#search-private-container'); this.searchCloseBtn = this.searchContainer.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button'); this.searchInput = new SearchInput('Search'); this.searchCloseBtn.parentElement.append(this.searchInput.container); this.privateSearch = new AppSearch(this.searchContainer.querySelector('.chats-container'), this.searchInput, { messages: new SearchGroup('Private Search', 'messages') }); let container = this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.content-container .tabs-container') as HTMLDivElement; this.profileTabs = this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-tabs'); this.scroll = new Scrollable(this.profileContainer, 'SR', undefined, 400); this.scroll.onScrolledBottom = () => { if(this.sharedMediaSelected && this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount/* && false */) { this.log('onScrolledBottom will load media'); this.loadSidebarMedia(true); } }; //this.scroll.attachSentinels(undefined, 400); horizontalMenu(this.profileTabs, container, (id, tabContent) => { if(this.prevTabID == id) return; if(this.prevTabID != -1) { this.onTransitionStart(); } this.sharedMediaType = this.sharedMediaTypes[id]; this.sharedMediaSelected = tabContent.firstElementChild as HTMLDivElement; if(this.prevTabID != -1 && this.profileTabs.offsetTop) { this.scroll.scrollTop -= this.profileTabs.offsetTop; } /* this.log('setVirtualContainer', id, this.sharedMediaSelected, this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount); this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.sharedMediaSelected); */ if(this.prevTabID != -1 && !this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount) { // quick brown fix //this.contentContainer.classList.remove('loaded'); this.loadSidebarMedia(true); } this.prevTabID = id; }, () => { this.scroll.onScroll(); this.onTransitionEnd(); }); let sidebarCloseBtn = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button') as HTMLButtonElement; sidebarCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { this.toggleSidebar(false); }); this.searchCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { this.searchContainer.classList.remove('active'); this.privateSearch.reset(); }); this.sharedMedia.contentMedia.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const target = as HTMLDivElement; const messageID = +target.dataset.mid; if(!messageID) { this.log.warn('no messageID by click on target:', target); return; } const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(messageID); const ids = Object.keys(this.mediaDivsByIDs).map(k => +k).sort((a, b) => a - b); const idx = ids.findIndex(i => i == messageID); const targets = => { const element = this.mediaDivsByIDs[id] as HTMLElement; //element = element.querySelector('img') || element; return {element, mid: id}; }); appMediaViewer.openMedia(message, target, false, this.sidebarEl, targets.slice(idx + 1).reverse(), targets.slice(0, idx).reverse(), true); }); this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => { //let checked = this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked; appImManager.mutePeer(this.peerID); }); mediaSizes.addListener('changeScreen', (from, to) => { if(from !== undefined && to == ScreenSize.medium) { this.toggleSidebar(false); } }); } private onTransitionStart = () => { // Jolly Cobra's // Workaround for scrollable content flickering during animation. const container = this.scroll.container; if( !== 'hidden') { const scrollBarWidth = container.offsetWidth - container.clientWidth; = 'hidden'; = `${scrollBarWidth}px`; } }; private onTransitionEnd = () => { // Jolly Cobra's // Workaround for scrollable content flickering during animation. const container = this.scroll.container; = ''; = '0'; }; public beginSearch() { this.toggleSidebar(true); this.searchContainer.classList.add('active'); this.privateSearch.beginSearch(this.peerID); } public toggleSidebar(enable?: boolean) { /////this.log('sidebarEl', this.sidebarEl, enable, isElementInViewport(this.sidebarEl)); const active = document.body.classList.contains(COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME); let willChange: boolean; if(enable !== undefined) { if(enable) { if(!active) { willChange = true; } } else if(active) { willChange = true; } } else { willChange = true; } if(!willChange) return Promise.resolve(); //console.log('sidebar selectTab', enable, willChange); if(mediaSizes.isMobile) { appImManager.selectTab(active ? 1 : 2); return Promise.resolve(); } const set = () => { document.body.classList.toggle(COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME, enable); }; set(); return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, 200); }); //return Promise.resolve(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const hidden: {element: HTMLDivElement, height: number}[] = []; const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { for(const entry of entries) { const bubble = as HTMLDivElement; if(!entry.isIntersecting) { hidden.push({element: bubble, height: bubble.scrollHeight}); } } for(const item of hidden) { = item.height + 'px'; (item.element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).style.display = 'none'; = '1px'; } //console.log('hidden', hidden); observer.disconnect(); set(); setTimeout(() => { for(const item of hidden) { = ''; = ''; (item.element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).style.display = ''; } if(active) { appForward.close();; } resolve(); }, 200); }); const length = Object.keys(appImManager.bubbles).length; if(length) { for(const i in appImManager.bubbles) { observer.observe(appImManager.bubbles[i]); } } else { set(); setTimeout(resolve, 200); } }); } public filterMessagesByType(ids: number[], type: string) { let messages: any[] = []; for(let mid of ids) { let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid); if( messages.push(message); } let filtered: any[] = []; switch(type) { case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': { for(let message of messages) { let media = || || ( &&; if(!media) { //this.log('no media!', message); continue; } if(media._ == 'document' && media.type != 'video'/* && media.type != 'gif' */) { //this.log('broken video', media); continue; } filtered.push(message); } break; } case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': { for(let message of messages) { if(! || == 'voice' || == 'audio') { continue; } let doc =; if(doc.attributes) { if(doc.attributes.find((a: any) => a._ == "documentAttributeSticker")) { continue; } } filtered.push(message); } break; } case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': { for(let message of messages) { if(! || == 'webPageEmpty') { continue; } filtered.push(message); } break; } case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': { for(let message of messages) { if(! || != 'audio') { continue; } filtered.push(message); } break; } default: break; } return filtered; } public async performSearchResult(messages: any[], type: SharedMediaType) { const peerID = this.peerID; const elemsToAppend: HTMLElement[] = []; const promises: Promise[] = []; let sharedMediaDiv: HTMLDivElement; /* for(let contentType in contentToSharedMap) { if(contentToSharedMap[contentType as ContentType] == type) { sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia[contentType as ContentType]; } } */ // switch(type) { case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': { sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentMedia; for(const message of messages) { const media = || || ( &&; const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('media-item'); //console.log(message, photo); const isPhoto = media._ == 'photo'; const photo = isPhoto ? appPhotosManager.getPhoto( : null; let isDownloaded: boolean; if(photo) { isDownloaded = photo.downloaded > 0; } else { const cachedThumb = appPhotosManager.getDocumentCachedThumb(; isDownloaded = cachedThumb?.downloaded > 0; } //this.log('inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo', message, media); if(!isPhoto) { const span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('video-time'); div.append(span); if(media.type != 'gif') { span.innerText = (media.duration + '').toHHMMSS(false); /* const spanPlay = document.createElement('span'); spanPlay.classList.add('video-play', 'tgico-largeplay', 'btn-circle', 'position-center'); div.append(spanPlay); */ } else { span.innerText = 'GIF'; } } const load = () => appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(isPhoto ? : media, appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(media, 200, 200)) .then(() => { if($rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); return; } const url = (photo && photo.url) || appPhotosManager.getDocumentCachedThumb(; if(url) { //if(needBlur) return; const needBlurCallback = needBlur ? () => { //void img.offsetLeft; // reflow = ''; if(thumb) { window.setTimeout(() => { thumb.remove(); }, 200); } } : undefined; renderImageFromUrl(img, url, needBlurCallback); } }); let thumb: HTMLImageElement; const sizes = media.sizes || media.thumbs; const willHaveThumb = !isDownloaded && sizes && sizes[0].bytes; if(willHaveThumb) { thumb = new Image(); thumb.classList.add('media-image', 'thumbnail'); thumb.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid; appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, thumb, false, false); div.append(thumb); } const needBlur = !isDownloaded || !willHaveThumb; const img = new Image(); img.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid; img.classList.add('media-image'); if(needBlur) = '0'; div.append(img); if(isDownloaded || willHaveThumb) { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { (thumb || img).addEventListener('load', () => { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); }); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.log('didn\'t load', thumb, media, isDownloaded, sizes); reject(); }, 1e3); }); promises.push(promise); } if(sizes?.length) { if(isDownloaded) load(); else this.lazyLoadQueue.push({div, load}); } elemsToAppend.push(div); this.mediaDivsByIDs[message.mid] = div; } break; } case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': { sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentDocuments; for(let message of messages) { let div = wrapDocument(, true, false, message.mid); elemsToAppend.push(div); } break; } case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': { sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentLinks; for(let message of messages) { let webpage =; let div = document.createElement('div'); let previewDiv = document.createElement('div'); previewDiv.classList.add('preview'); //this.log('wrapping webpage', webpage); previewDiv.innerText = (webpage.title || webpage.description || webpage.url || webpage.display_url).slice(0, 1); previewDiv.classList.add('empty'); if( { let load = () => appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(, appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(, 60, 60)) .then(() => { if($rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); return; } previewDiv.classList.remove('empty'); previewDiv.innerText = ''; renderImageFromUrl(previewDiv,; }); this.lazyLoadQueue.push({div: previewDiv, load}); } let title = webpage.rTitle || ''; let subtitle = webpage.rDescription || ''; let url = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.url || ''); if(!title) { //title = new URL(webpage.url).hostname; title = webpage.display_url.split('/', 1)[0]; } div.append(previewDiv); div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
`); if(div.innerText.trim().length) { elemsToAppend.push(div); } } break; } case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': { sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentAudio; for(let message of messages) { let div = wrapAudio(, true, message.mid); elemsToAppend.push(div); } break; } default: console.warn('death is my friend', messages); break; } if(this.loadMutex) { promises.push(this.loadMutex); } if(promises.length) { await Promise.all(promises); if(this.peerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); return; } } if(elemsToAppend.length) { sharedMediaDiv.append(...elemsToAppend); } if(sharedMediaDiv) { const parent = sharedMediaDiv.parentElement; Array.from(parent.children).slice(1).forEach(child => { child.remove(); }); //this.contentContainer.classList.add('loaded'); if(!messages.length && !sharedMediaDiv.childElementCount) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = 'Nothing interesting here yet...'; div.classList.add('position-center', 'text-center', 'content-empty', 'no-select'); parent.append(div); } } } public loadSidebarMedia(single = false) { if(testScroll/* || 1 == 1 */) { return; } this.log('loadSidebarMedia', single, this.peerID, this.loadSidebarMediaPromises); const peerID = this.peerID; let typesToLoad = single ? [this.sharedMediaType] : this.sharedMediaTypes; typesToLoad = typesToLoad.filter(type => !this.loadedAllMedia[type]); if(!typesToLoad.length) return; const loadCount = (appPhotosManager.windowH / 130 | 0) * 3; // that's good for all types const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] ?? (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {}); const promises = => { if(this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type]) return this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type]; const history = historyStorage[type] ?? (historyStorage[type] = []); // render from cache if(history.length && this.usedFromHistory[type] < history.length) { let messages: any[] = []; let used = this.usedFromHistory[type]; do { let ids = history.slice(used, used + loadCount); this.log('loadSidebarMedia: will render from cache', used, history, ids, loadCount); used += ids.length; messages.push(...this.filterMessagesByType(ids, type)); } while(messages.length < loadCount && used < history.length); // если перебор if(messages.length > loadCount) { let diff = messages.length - loadCount; messages = messages.slice(0, messages.length - diff); used -= diff; } this.usedFromHistory[type] = used; //if(messages.length) { return this.performSearchResult(messages, type); //} return Promise.resolve(); } // заливать новую картинку сюда только после полной отправки! let maxID = history[history.length - 1] || 0; let ids = !maxID && appMessagesManager.historiesStorage[peerID] ? appMessagesManager.historiesStorage[peerID].history.slice() : []; maxID = !maxID && ids.length ? ids[ids.length - 1] : maxID; this.log('loadSidebarMedia: search house of glass pre', type, ids, maxID); //let loadCount = history.length ? 50 : 15; return this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type] = appMessagesManager.getSearch(peerID, '', {_: type}, maxID, loadCount) .then(value => { ids = ids.concat(value.history); history.push(...ids); this.log('loadSidebarMedia: search house of glass', type, value, ids); if($rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); return; } if(value.history.length < loadCount) { this.loadedAllMedia[type] = true; } this.usedFromHistory[type] = history.length; //if(ids.length) { return this.performSearchResult(this.filterMessagesByType(ids, type), type); //} }, (err) => { this.log.error('load error:', err); }).then(() => { this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type] = null; }); }); return Promise.all(promises); } public cleanup() { this.loadSidebarMediaPromises = {}; this.loadedAllMedia = {}; this.prevTabID = -1; this.mediaDivsByIDs = {}; this.lazyLoadQueue.clear(); this.sharedMediaTypes.forEach(type => { this.usedFromHistory[type] = 0; }); this.sharedMediaType = 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo'; } public cleanupHTML() { //this.contentContainer.classList.remove('loaded'); //this.profileContentEl.parentElement.scrollTop = 0; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = ''; this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked = true; this.profileElements.notificationsStatus.innerText = 'Enabled'; if(this.urlsToRevoke.length) { this.urlsToRevoke.forEach(url => { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }); this.urlsToRevoke.length = 0; } (Object.keys(this.sharedMedia) as ContentType[]).forEach(key => { this.sharedMedia[key].innerHTML = ''; const inputFilter = contentToSharedMap[key]; if(!this.historiesStorage[this.peerID] || !this.historiesStorage[this.peerID][inputFilter]) { const parent = this.sharedMedia[key].parentElement; if(!testScroll) { if(!parent.querySelector('.preloader')) { putPreloader(parent, true); } } const empty = parent.querySelector('.content-empty'); if(empty) { empty.remove(); } } }); if(testScroll) { for(let i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ``); div.classList.add('media-item'); = '' + (i / 3 | 0); //div.innerText = '' + (i / 3 | 0); this.sharedMedia.contentMedia.append(div); } } (this.profileTabs.firstElementChild.children[1] as HTMLLIElement).click(); // set media } public setLoadMutex(promise: Promise) { this.loadMutex = promise; } public setPeer(peerID: number) { this.peerID = peerID; this.cleanup(); } public fillProfileElements() { let peerID = this.peerID = $rootScope.selectedPeerID; this.cleanupHTML(); this.profileElements.avatar.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID); // username if(peerID != $rootScope.myID) { let username = appPeersManager.getPeerUsername(peerID); if(username) { setText(appPeersManager.getPeerUsername(peerID), this.profileElements.username); } let dialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; if(dialog) { let muted = false; if(dialog.notify_settings && dialog.notify_settings.mute_until) { muted = new Date(dialog.notify_settings.mute_until * 1000) > new Date(); } appImManager.setMutedState(muted); } } else { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { = 'none'; }); } //let membersLi = this.profileTabs.firstElementChild.children[0] as HTMLLIElement; if(peerID > 0) { // = 'none'; let user = appUsersManager.getUser(peerID); if( && peerID != $rootScope.myID) { setText(user.rPhone,; } appProfileManager.getProfile(peerID, true).then(userFull => { if(this.peerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); return; } if(userFull.rAbout && peerID != $rootScope.myID) { setText(userFull.rAbout,; } //this.log('userFull', userFull); }); } else { // = appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerID) ? 'none' : ''; let chat = appPeersManager.getPeer(peerID); appProfileManager.getChatFull( any) => { if(this.peerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); return; } //this.log('chatInfo res 2:', chatFull); if(chatFull.about) { setText(RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about),; } }); } } } const appSidebarRight = new AppSidebarRight(); // @ts-ignore if(process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') { (window as any).appSidebarRight = appSidebarRight; } export default appSidebarRight;