import { logger, LogLevels } from "../lib/logger"; import smoothscroll, { SCROLL_TIME, SmoothScrollToOptions } from '../vendor/smoothscroll'; import { touchSupport } from "../lib/config"; //import { CancellablePromise, deferredPromise } from "../lib/polyfill"; //import { isInDOM } from "../lib/utils"; (window as any).__forceSmoothScrollPolyfill__ = true; smoothscroll(); /* var el = $0; var height = 0; var checkUp = false; do { height += el.scrollHeight; } while(el = (checkUp ? el.previousElementSibling : el.nextElementSibling)); console.log(height); */ /* Array.from($0.querySelectorAll('.bubble__container')).forEach(_el => { // = ''; //return; let el = _el.parentElement; let height = el.scrollHeight; let width = el.scrollWidth; = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; = 'none'; }); */ /* const scrollables: Map = new Map(); const scrollsIntersector = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { for(let entry of entries) { const scrollable = scrollables.get( as HTMLElement); if(entry.isIntersecting) { scrollable.isVisible = true; } else { scrollable.isVisible = false; if(!isInDOM( { scrollsIntersector.unobserve(scrollable.container); scrollables.delete(scrollable.container); } } } }); */ export class ScrollableBase { protected log: ReturnType; protected onScroll: () => void; public getScrollValue: () => number; public scrollLocked = 0; constructor(public el: HTMLElement, logPrefix = '', public appendTo = el, public container: HTMLElement = document.createElement('div')) { this.container.classList.add('scrollable'); if(!appendTo) { this.appendTo = this.container; } this.log = logger('SCROLL' + (logPrefix ? '-' + logPrefix : ''), LogLevels.error); if(el) { Array.from(el.children).forEach(c => this.container.append(c)); el.append(this.container); } //this.onScroll(); } protected setListeners() { window.addEventListener('resize', this.onScroll); this.container.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll, {passive: true, capture: true}); } public prepend(element: HTMLElement) { this.appendTo.prepend(element); } public append(element: HTMLElement) { this.appendTo.append(element); } public contains(element: Element) { return !!element.parentElement; } public removeElement(element: Element) { element.remove(); } public scrollTo(value: number, side: 'top' | 'left', smooth = true, important = false, scrollTime = SCROLL_TIME) { if(this.scrollLocked && !important) return; const scrollValue = this.getScrollValue(); if(scrollValue == Math.floor(value)) { return; } if(this.scrollLocked) clearTimeout(this.scrollLocked); /* else { this.scrollLockedPromise = deferredPromise(); } */ this.scrollLocked = window.setTimeout(() => { this.scrollLocked = 0; //this.scrollLockedPromise.resolve(); //this.onScroll(); this.container.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll')); }, scrollTime); const options: SmoothScrollToOptions = { behavior: smooth ? 'smooth' : 'auto', scrollTime }; options[side] = value; this.container.scrollTo(options as any); } get length() { return this.appendTo.childElementCount; } } export default class Scrollable extends ScrollableBase { public splitUp: HTMLElement; public onScrolledTop: () => void = null; public onScrolledBottom: () => void = null; public onScrollMeasure: number = null; public lastScrollTop: number = 0; private disableHoverTimeout: number = 0; /* private sentinelsObserver: IntersectionObserver; private topSentinel: HTMLDivElement; private bottomSentinel: HTMLDivElement; */ private observer: IntersectionObserver; private visible: Set; private virtualTempIDTop = 0; private virtualTempIDBottom = 0; private lastTopID = 0; private lastBottomID = 0; private lastScrollDirection = 0; // true = bottom /* private onScrolledTopFired = false; private onScrolledBottomFired = false; */ //public scrollLockedPromise: CancellablePromise = Promise.resolve(); public isVisible = false; private reorderTimeout: number; private setVisible(element: HTMLElement) { if(this.visible.has(element)) return; this.log.debug('setVisible id:', element.dataset.virtual); (element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).style.display = ''; this.visible.add(element); } private setHidden(element: HTMLElement) { if(!this.visible.has(element)) return; this.log.debug('setHidden id:', element.dataset.virtual); (element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).style.display = 'none'; this.visible.delete(element); } constructor(el: HTMLElement, logPrefix = '', appendTo = el, public onScrollOffset = 300, public splitCount = 15, container: HTMLElement = document.createElement('div')) { super(el, logPrefix, appendTo, container); this.visible = new Set(); = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { const filtered = entries.filter(entry => entry.isIntersecting); //return; //this.log('entries:', entries); entries.forEach(entry => { const target = as HTMLElement; if(entry.isIntersecting) { this.setVisible(target); this.log.debug('intersection entry:', entry, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID); } else { const id = +target.dataset.virtual; const isTop = < 0; if(isTop) { this.lastTopID = id + 1; } else { this.lastBottomID = id - 1; } //this.setHidden(target); //this.log('intersection entry setHidden:', entry); } //this.debug && this.log('intersection entry:', entry, isTop, isBottom, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID); }); if(!filtered.length || this.lastScrollDirection === 0) { return; } if(this.lastScrollDirection === 1) { // bottom let target = filtered[filtered.length - 1].target as HTMLElement; this.lastBottomID = +target.dataset.virtual; for(let i = 0; i < this.splitCount; ++i) { target = target.nextElementSibling as HTMLElement; if(!target) break; this.setVisible(target); } } else { let target = filtered[0].target as HTMLElement; this.lastTopID = +target.dataset.virtual; for(let i = 0; i < this.splitCount; ++i) { target = target.previousElementSibling as HTMLElement; if(!target) break; this.setVisible(target); } } this.log.debug('entries:', entries, filtered, this.lastScrollDirection, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID); const minVisibleID = this.lastTopID - this.splitCount; const maxVisibleID = this.lastBottomID + this.splitCount; for(const target of this.visible) { const id = +target.dataset.virtual; if(id < minVisibleID || id > maxVisibleID) { this.setHidden(target); } } }); this.container.classList.add('scrollable-y'); //this.onScroll(); this.setListeners(); } // public attachSentinels(container = this.container, offset = this.onScrollOffset) { // if(!this.sentinelsObserver) { // this.topSentinel = document.createElement('div'); // this.topSentinel.classList.add('scrollable-sentinel'); // = offset + 'px'; // this.bottomSentinel = document.createElement('div'); // this.bottomSentinel.classList.add('scrollable-sentinel'); // = offset + 'px'; // this.container.append(this.topSentinel, this.bottomSentinel); // //let fire: () => void; // this.sentinelsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { // for(let entry of entries) { // let top = == this.topSentinel; // if(top) { // this.onScrolledTopFired = entry.isIntersecting; // } else { // this.onScrolledBottomFired = entry.isIntersecting; // } // } // /* this.debug && */this.log('Set onScrolledFires:', this.onScrolledTopFired, this.onScrolledBottomFired); // /* if((this.onScrolledTopFired || this.onScrolledBottomFired) && !fire) { // fire = () => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { // if(!this.scrollLocked) { // if(this.onScrolledTopFired && this.onScrolledTop) this.onScrolledTop(); // if(this.onScrolledBottomFired && this.onScrolledBottom) this.onScrolledBottom(); // } // if(!this.onScrolledTopFired && !this.onScrolledBottomFired) { // fire = undefined; // } else { // fire(); // } // }); // fire(); // } */ // }); // this.sentinelsObserver.observe(this.topSentinel); // this.sentinelsObserver.observe(this.bottomSentinel); // } // container.prepend(this.topSentinel); // container.append(this.bottomSentinel); // } public setVirtualContainer(el?: HTMLElement) { this.splitUp = el; this.lastScrollTop = 0; this.log('setVirtualContainer:', el, this); } public onScroll = () => { /* let scrollTop = this.scrollTop; this.lastScrollDirection = this.lastScrollTop < scrollTop; this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop; return; */ //if(!this.isVisible) return; //if(this.debug) { //this.log('onScroll call', this.onScrollMeasure); //} //let appendTo = this.splitUp || this.appendTo; // this.log('onScroll:', this.container.scrollTop); // if(this.container.scrollTop <= 0) { // /* touchSupport && */( = 'hidden'); // this.scrollTop = 0; // /* touchSupport && */( = ''); // } if(this.splitUp) { clearTimeout(this.disableHoverTimeout); this.disableHoverTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { //appendTo.classList.remove('disable-hover'); this.lastScrollDirection = 0; }, 100); } /* if(this.el != this.appendTo && this.appendTo != this.container) { if(!appendTo.classList.contains('disable-hover')) { appendTo.classList.add('disable-hover'); } } */ if(this.onScrollMeasure || ((this.scrollLocked || (!this.onScrolledTop && !this.onScrolledBottom)) && !this.splitUp)) return; this.onScrollMeasure = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { //if(!this.isVisible) return; this.checkForTriggers(); this.onScrollMeasure = 0; if(!this.splitUp) return; const scrollTop = this.scrollTop; if(this.lastScrollTop != scrollTop) { this.lastScrollDirection = this.lastScrollTop < scrollTop ? 1 : -1; this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop; } else { this.lastScrollDirection = 0; } }); }; public checkForTriggers() { if(this.scrollLocked || (!this.onScrolledTop && !this.onScrolledBottom)) return; const container = this.container; const scrollHeight = container.scrollHeight; if(!scrollHeight) { // незачем вызывать триггеры если блок пустой или не виден return; } const {clientHeight, scrollTop} = container; const maxScrollTop = scrollHeight - clientHeight; //this.log('checkForTriggers:', scrollTop, maxScrollTop); if(this.onScrolledTop && scrollTop <= this.onScrollOffset) { this.onScrolledTop(); } if(this.onScrolledBottom && (maxScrollTop - scrollTop) <= this.onScrollOffset) { this.onScrolledBottom(); } } public reorder() { if(!this.splitUp || this.reorderTimeout) return; this.reorderTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.reorderTimeout = 0; (Array.from(this.splitUp.children) as HTMLElement[]).forEach((el, idx) => { el.dataset.virtual = '' + idx; }); }, 0); } public updateElement(element: HTMLElement) { = ''; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { const height = element.scrollHeight; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { = height + 'px'; }); }); } public prepareElement(element: HTMLElement, append = true) { if(!this.splitUp) return; //return; element.dataset.virtual = '' + (append ? this.virtualTempIDBottom++ : this.virtualTempIDTop--); this.log.debug('prepareElement: prepared'); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { const {scrollHeight/* , scrollWidth */} = element; this.log.debug('prepareElement: first rAF'); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { // = scrollHeight + 'px'; = scrollHeight + 'px'; // height doesn't work for safari // = scrollWidth + 'px'; //(element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).style.display = 'none'; }); this.visible.add(element);; }); } public prepend(element: HTMLElement, splitable = true) { if(splitable) this.prepareElement(element, false); if(this.splitUp) this.splitUp.prepend(element); else this.appendTo.prepend(element); } public append(element: HTMLElement, splitable = true) { if(splitable) this.prepareElement(element); if(this.splitUp) this.splitUp.append(element); else this.appendTo.append(element); } public contains(element: Element) { if(!this.splitUp) { return this.appendTo.contains(element); } return !!element.parentElement; } public scrollIntoView(element: HTMLElement, smooth = true) { if(element.parentElement && !this.scrollLocked) { const isFirstUnread = element.classList.contains('is-first-unread'); let offset = element.getBoundingClientRect().top - this.container.getBoundingClientRect().top; offset = this.scrollTop + offset; if(!smooth && isFirstUnread) { this.scrollTo(offset, 'top', false); return; } const clientHeight = this.container.clientHeight; const height = element.scrollHeight; const d = (clientHeight - height) / 2; offset -= d; this.scrollTo(offset, 'top', smooth); } } public removeElement(element: Element) { element.remove(); } public getScrollValue = () => { return this.scrollTop; }; set scrollTop(y: number) { this.container.scrollTop = y; } get scrollTop() { //this.log.trace('get scrollTop'); return this.container.scrollTop; } get scrollHeight() { return this.container.scrollHeight; } } export class ScrollableX extends ScrollableBase { constructor(public el: HTMLElement, logPrefix = '', public appendTo = el, public onScrollOffset = 300, public splitCount = 15, public container: HTMLElement = document.createElement('div')) { super(el, logPrefix, appendTo, container); this.container.classList.add('scrollable-x'); if(!touchSupport) { const scrollHorizontally = (e: any) => { e = window.event || e; if(e.which == 1) { // maybe horizontal scroll is natively supports, works on macbook return; } const delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail))); this.container.scrollLeft -= (delta * 20); e.preventDefault(); }; if(this.container.addEventListener) { // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera this.container.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollHorizontally, false); // Firefox this.container.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollHorizontally, false); } else { // IE 6/7/8 // @ts-ignore this.container.attachEvent("onmousewheel", scrollHorizontally); } } this.setListeners(); } public scrollIntoView(element: HTMLElement, smooth = true, scrollTime?: number) { if(element.parentElement && !this.scrollLocked) { let offset = element.getBoundingClientRect().left - this.container.getBoundingClientRect().left; offset = this.getScrollValue() + offset; const clientWidth = this.container.clientWidth; const width = element.scrollWidth; const d = (clientWidth - width) / 2; offset -= d; this.scrollTo(offset, 'left', smooth, undefined, scrollTime); } } public getScrollValue = () => { return this.container.scrollLeft; }; }