import { EmoticonsTab, EmoticonsDropdown } from ".."; import Scrollable from "../../scrollable_new"; import Config from "../../../lib/config"; import { putPreloader } from "../../misc"; import appStateManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appStateManager"; import { RichTextProcessor } from "../../../lib/richtextprocessor"; import appImManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appImManager"; import StickyIntersector from "../../stickyIntersector"; export default class EmojiTab implements EmoticonsTab { public content: HTMLElement; private recent: string[] = []; private recentItemsDiv: HTMLElement; private scroll: Scrollable; private stickyIntersector: StickyIntersector; init() { this.content = document.getElementById('content-emoji') as HTMLDivElement; const categories = ["Smileys & Emotion", "Animals & Nature", "Food & Drink", "Travel & Places", "Activities", "Objects", /* "Symbols", */"Flags", "Skin Tones"]; const divs: { [category: string]: HTMLDivElement } = {}; const sorted: { [category: string]: string[] } = { 'Recent': [] }; for(const emoji in Config.Emoji) { const details = Config.Emoji[emoji]; const i = '' + details; const category = categories[+i[0] - 1]; if(!category) continue; // maybe it's skin tones if(!sorted[category]) sorted[category] = []; sorted[category][+i.slice(1) || 0] = emoji; } //console.log('emoticons sorted:', sorted); //Object.keys(sorted).forEach(c => sorted[c].sort((a, b) => a - b)); categories.pop(); delete sorted["Skin Tones"]; //console.time('emojiParse'); for(const category in sorted) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('emoji-category'); const titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.classList.add('category-title'); titleDiv.innerText = category; const itemsDiv = document.createElement('div'); itemsDiv.classList.add('category-items'); div.append(titleDiv, itemsDiv); const emojis = sorted[category]; emojis.forEach(emoji => { /* if(emojiUnicode(emoji) == '1f481-200d-2642') { console.log('append emoji', emoji, emojiUnicode(emoji)); } */ emoji = emoji.split('-').reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), ''); this.appendEmoji(emoji/* .replace(/[\ufe0f\u2640\u2642\u2695]/g, '') */, itemsDiv, false/* , false */); /* if(category == 'Smileys & Emotion') { console.log('appended emoji', emoji, itemsDiv.children[itemsDiv.childElementCount - 1].innerHTML, emojiUnicode(emoji)); } */ }); divs[category] = div; } //console.timeEnd('emojiParse'); const menu = this.content.previousElementSibling.firstElementChild as HTMLUListElement; const emojiScroll = this.scroll = new Scrollable(this.content, 'EMOJI', null); //emojiScroll.setVirtualContainer(emojiScroll.container); const preloader = putPreloader(this.content, true); Promise.all([ new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200)), appStateManager.getState().then(state => { if(Array.isArray(state.recentEmoji)) { this.recent = state.recentEmoji; } }) ]).then(() => { preloader.remove(); this.recentItemsDiv = divs['Recent'].querySelector('.category-items'); for(const emoji of this.recent) { this.appendEmoji(emoji, this.recentItemsDiv); } categories.unshift('Recent'); => { const div = divs[category]; if(!div) { console.error('no div by category:', category); } emojiScroll.append(div); this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(div); return div; }); }); this.content.addEventListener('click', this.onContentClick); this.stickyIntersector = EmoticonsDropdown.menuOnClick(menu, emojiScroll); this.init = null; } private appendEmoji(emoji: string, container: HTMLElement, prepend = false/* , unified = false */) { //const emoji = details.unified; //const emoji = (details.unified as string).split('-') //.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), ''); const spanEmoji = document.createElement('span'); let kek: string; /* if(unified) { kek = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText('_', { entities: [{ _: 'messageEntityEmoji', offset: 0, length: emoji.split('-').length, unicode: emoji }] }); } else { */ kek = RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(emoji); //} /* if(!kek.includes('emoji')) { console.log(emoji, kek, spanEmoji, emoji.length, new TextEncoder().encode(emoji), emojiUnicode(emoji)); return; } */ //console.log(kek); spanEmoji.innerHTML = kek; if(spanEmoji.firstElementChild) { (spanEmoji.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement).setAttribute('loading', 'lazy'); } //spanEmoji = spanEmoji.firstElementChild as HTMLSpanElement; //spanEmoji.setAttribute('emoji', emoji); if(prepend) container.prepend(spanEmoji); else container.appendChild(spanEmoji); } private getEmojiFromElement(element: HTMLElement) { if(element.tagName == 'SPAN' && !element.classList.contains('emoji')) { element = element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; } return element.getAttribute('alt') || element.innerText; } onContentClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { let target = as HTMLElement; //if(target.tagName != 'SPAN') return; if(target.tagName == 'SPAN' && !target.classList.contains('emoji')) { target = target.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; } else if(target.tagName == 'DIV') return; //console.log('contentEmoji div', target); appImManager.chatInputC.messageInput.innerHTML += target.outerHTML; // Recent const emoji = this.getEmojiFromElement(target); (Array.from(this.recentItemsDiv.children) as HTMLElement[]).forEach((el, idx) => { const _emoji = this.getEmojiFromElement(el); if(emoji == _emoji) { el.remove(); } }); const scrollHeight = this.recentItemsDiv.scrollHeight; this.appendEmoji(emoji, this.recentItemsDiv, true); this.recent.findAndSplice(e => e == emoji); this.recent.unshift(emoji); if(this.recent.length > 36) { this.recent.length = 36; } appStateManager.pushToState('recentEmoji', this.recent); // Append to input const event = new Event('input', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}); appImManager.chatInputC.messageInput.dispatchEvent(event); }; onClose() { } }