
35 lines
801 B

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
namespace Ui {
enum class WhoReadType;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Data {
struct ReactionId;
struct MessageReaction;
} // namespace Data
namespace HistoryView::Reactions {
struct Tabs {
Fn<void(int, int)> move;
Fn<void(int)> resizeToWidth;
Fn<rpl::producer<Data::ReactionId>()> changes;
Fn<rpl::producer<int>()> heightValue;
not_null<Tabs*> CreateTabs(
not_null<QWidget*> parent,
const std::vector<Data::MessageReaction> &items,
const Data::ReactionId &selected,
Ui::WhoReadType whoReadType);
} // namespace HistoryView::Reactions