2023-10-26 14:08:41 +04:00

43 lines
885 B

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
namespace Ui {
void StartFireworks(not_null<QWidget*> parent);
class GenericBox;
class VerticalLayout;
struct BoostCounters {
int level = 0;
int boosts = 0;
int thisLevelBoosts = 0;
int nextLevelBoosts = 0; // Zero means no next level is available.
bool mine = false;
struct BoostBoxData {
QString name;
BoostCounters boost;
void BoostBox(
not_null<GenericBox*> box,
BoostBoxData data,
Fn<void(Fn<void(bool)>)> boost);
void FillBoostLimit(
rpl::producer<> showFinished,
rpl::producer<bool> you,
not_null<VerticalLayout*> container,
BoostBoxData data,
style::margins limitLinePadding);
} // namespace Ui