2023-04-11 19:17:38 +04:00

50 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/object_ptr.h"
namespace Ui {
class Show;
class BoxContent;
class VerticalLayout;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Data {
class ChatFilter;
struct ChatFilterLink;
} // namespace Data
namespace Window {
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<not_null<PeerData*>> CollectFilterLinkChats(
const Data::ChatFilter &filter);
[[nodiscard]] bool GoodForExportFilterLink(
not_null<Window::SessionController*> window,
const Data::ChatFilter &filter);
void ExportFilterLink(
FilterId id,
const std::vector<not_null<PeerData*>> &peers,
Fn<void(Data::ChatFilterLink)> done,
Fn<void(QString)> fail);
[[nodiscard]] object_ptr<Ui::BoxContent> ShowLinkBox(
not_null<Window::SessionController*> window,
const Data::ChatFilter &filter,
const Data::ChatFilterLink &link);
[[nodiscard]] QString FilterChatStatusText(not_null<PeerData*> peer);
void SetupFilterLinks(
not_null<Ui::VerticalLayout*> container,
not_null<Window::SessionController*> window,
rpl::producer<std::vector<Data::ChatFilterLink>> value,
Fn<Data::ChatFilter()> currentFilter);