2021-04-07 11:21:59 +04:00

73 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/object_ptr.h"
#include "base/unique_qptr.h"
#include "ui/layers/generic_box.h"
namespace style {
struct FlatLabel;
} // namespace style
namespace Ui {
class DropdownMenu;
class GenericBox;
class BoxContent;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Ui::Menu {
class ItemBase;
class Menu;
} // namespace Ui::Menu
namespace Calls {
class GroupCall;
} // namespace Calls
namespace Calls::Group {
enum class BoxContext {
void LeaveBox(
not_null<Ui::GenericBox*> box,
not_null<GroupCall*> call,
bool discardChecked,
BoxContext context);
struct ConfirmBoxArgs {
TextWithEntities text;
rpl::producer<QString> button;
Fn<void()> callback;
const style::FlatLabel *st = nullptr;
Fn<bool(const ClickHandlerPtr&, Qt::MouseButton)> filter;
void ConfirmBoxBuilder(not_null<Ui::GenericBox*> box, ConfirmBoxArgs &&args);
inline auto ConfirmBox(ConfirmBoxArgs &&args) {
return Box(ConfirmBoxBuilder, std::move(args));
void FillMenu(
not_null<Ui::DropdownMenu*> menu,
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
not_null<GroupCall*> call,
Fn<void()> chooseJoinAs,
Fn<void(object_ptr<Ui::BoxContent>)> showBox);
[[nodiscard]] base::unique_qptr<Ui::Menu::ItemBase> MakeAttentionAction(
not_null<Ui::Menu::Menu*> menu,
const QString &text,
Fn<void()> callback);
} // namespace Calls::Group