2023-07-20 07:20:32 +04:00

132 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "history/view/media/history_view_premium_gift.h"
#include "chat_helpers/stickers_gift_box_pack.h"
#include "core/click_handler_types.h" // ClickHandlerContext
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "history/history.h"
#include "history/history_item.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_element.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "main/main_session.h"
#include "settings/settings_premium.h" // Settings::ShowGiftPremium
#include "window/window_session_controller.h"
#include "styles/style_chat.h"
namespace HistoryView {
namespace {
[[nodiscard]] QString FormatGiftMonths(int months) {
return (months < 12)
? tr::lng_premium_gift_duration_months(tr::now, lt_count, months)
: tr::lng_premium_gift_duration_years(
std::round(months / 12.));
} // namespace
not_null<Element*> parent,
not_null<Data::MediaGiftBox*> gift)
: _parent(parent)
, _gift(gift) {
PremiumGift::~PremiumGift() = default;
int PremiumGift::top() {
return st::msgServiceGiftBoxStickerTop;
QSize PremiumGift::size() {
return st::msgServiceGiftBoxStickerSize;
QString PremiumGift::title() {
return tr::lng_premium_summary_title(tr::now);
TextWithEntities PremiumGift::subtitle() {
return { FormatGiftMonths(_gift->months()) };
QString PremiumGift::button() {
return tr::lng_sticker_premium_view(tr::now);
ClickHandlerPtr PremiumGift::createViewLink() {
const auto from = _gift->from();
const auto to = _parent->history()->peer;
const auto months = _gift->months();
return std::make_shared<LambdaClickHandler>([=](ClickContext context) {
const auto my = context.other.value<ClickHandlerContext>();
if (const auto controller = my.sessionWindow.get()) {
const auto me = (from->id == controller->session().userPeerId());
const auto peer = me ? to : from;
Settings::ShowGiftPremium(controller, peer, months, me);
void PremiumGift::draw(
Painter &p,
const PaintContext &context,
const QRect &geometry) {
if (_sticker) {
_sticker->draw(p, context, geometry);
} else {
void PremiumGift::stickerClearLoopPlayed() {
if (_sticker) {
std::unique_ptr<StickerPlayer> PremiumGift::stickerTakePlayer(
not_null<DocumentData*> data,
const Lottie::ColorReplacements *replacements) {
return _sticker
? _sticker->stickerTakePlayer(data, replacements)
: nullptr;
bool PremiumGift::hasHeavyPart() {
return (_sticker ? _sticker->hasHeavyPart() : false);
void PremiumGift::unloadHeavyPart() {
if (_sticker) {
void PremiumGift::ensureStickerCreated() const {
if (_sticker) {
const auto &session = _parent->history()->session();
auto &packs = session.giftBoxStickersPacks();
if (const auto document = packs.lookup(_gift->months())) {
if (const auto sticker = document->sticker()) {
const auto skipPremiumEffect = false;
_sticker.emplace(_parent, document, skipPremiumEffect, _parent);
_sticker->setDiceIndex(sticker->alt, 1);
} // namespace HistoryView