2023-07-20 07:20:10 +04:00

179 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
#include "ui/effects/round_area_with_shadow.h"
#include "data/data_message_reaction_id.h"
namespace style {
struct EmojiPan;
} // namespace style
class HistoryItem;
namespace Data {
struct Reaction;
class DocumentMedia;
} // namespace Data
namespace Ui {
class AnimatedIcon;
} // namespace Ui
namespace HistoryView::Reactions {
struct ChosenReaction {
FullMsgId context;
Data::ReactionId id;
QImage icon;
QRect localGeometry;
QRect globalGeometry;
explicit operator bool() const {
return context && !id.empty();
using IconFactory = Fn<std::shared_ptr<Ui::AnimatedIcon>(
class Strip final {
using ReactionId = Data::ReactionId;
const style::EmojiPan &st,
QRect inner,
int size,
Fn<void()> update,
IconFactory iconFactory);
enum class AddedButton : uchar {
void applyList(
const std::vector<not_null<const Data::Reaction*>> &list,
AddedButton button);
void paint(
QPainter &p,
QPoint position,
QPoint shift,
QRect clip,
float64 scale,
bool hiding);
void paintOne(QPainter &p, int index, QPoint position, float64 scale);
[[nodiscard]] bool inDefaultState(int index) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const;
[[nodiscard]] int count() const;
void setSelected(int index) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::variant<AddedButton, ReactionId> selected() const;
[[nodiscard]] int computeOverSize() const;
void clearAppearAnimations(bool mainAppeared = true);
int fillChosenIconGetIndex(ChosenReaction &chosen) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool onlyAddedButton() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool onlyMainEmojiVisible() const;
Ui::ImageSubrect validateEmoji(int frameIndex, float64 scale);
static constexpr auto kFramesCount
= Ui::RoundAreaWithShadow::kFramesCount;
struct ReactionDocument {
std::shared_ptr<Data::DocumentMedia> media;
std::shared_ptr<Ui::AnimatedIcon> icon;
struct ReactionIcons {
ReactionId id;
DocumentData *appearAnimation = nullptr;
DocumentData *selectAnimation = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Ui::AnimatedIcon> appear;
std::shared_ptr<Ui::AnimatedIcon> select;
mutable Ui::Animations::Simple selectedScale;
AddedButton added = AddedButton::None;
bool appearAnimated = false;
mutable bool selected = false;
mutable bool selectAnimated = false;
void clearStateForHidden(ReactionIcons &icon);
void paintPremiumIcon(QPainter &p, QPoint position, QRectF target) const;
void paintExpandIcon(QPainter &p, QPoint position, QRectF target) const;
void clearStateForSelectFinished(ReactionIcons &icon);
[[nodiscard]] bool checkIconLoaded(ReactionDocument &entry) const;
void loadIcons();
void checkIcons();
void paintOne(
QPainter &p,
ReactionIcons &icon,
QPoint position,
QRectF target,
bool allowAppearStart);
[[nodiscard]] Fn<QRectF(const ReactionIcons&)> resolveCountTargetMethod(
float64 scale) const;
void invalidateMainReactionImage();
void resolveMainReactionIcon();
void setMainReactionIcon();
const style::EmojiPan &_st;
const IconFactory _iconFactory;
const QRect _inner;
const int _finalSize = 0;
Fn<void()> _update;
std::vector<ReactionIcons> _icons;
AddedButton _button = AddedButton::None;
base::flat_map<not_null<DocumentData*>, ReactionDocument> _loadCache;
std::optional<ReactionIcons> _premiumIcon;
rpl::lifetime _loadCacheLifetime;
mutable int _selectedIcon = -1;
std::shared_ptr<Data::DocumentMedia> _mainReactionMedia;
std::shared_ptr<Ui::AnimatedIcon> _mainReactionIcon;
QImage _mainReactionImage;
rpl::lifetime _mainReactionLifetime;
QImage _emojiParts;
std::array<bool, kFramesCount> _validEmoji = { { false } };
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
class CachedIconFactory final {
CachedIconFactory() = default;
CachedIconFactory(const CachedIconFactory &other) = delete;
CachedIconFactory &operator=(const CachedIconFactory &other) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] IconFactory createMethod();
std::shared_ptr<Ui::AnimatedIcon>> _cache;
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<Ui::AnimatedIcon> DefaultIconFactory(
not_null<Data::DocumentMedia*> media,
int size);
} // namespace HistoryView