#!/bin/bash echo "enter the dldir to download - dont forget trailing '/'!, leave empty for default." read out dldir="/home/${USER}/Downloads/" if [ "$out" != "" ]; then dldir=$(out) fi #todo: check that dldir ends with / echo "Downloading to: ${dldir}" mkdir -p ${dldir} while : ; do read -p "enter ytid or link, noting to exit: " ytid if [ "${ytid}" == "" ]; then break fi youtube-dl -F ${ytid} echo "please chose format: (by number or mp3/mp4/aac/...)" read form youtube-dl --restrict-filenames -o "${dldir}%(title)s.%(ext)s" -f ${form} --exec 'touch {}' ${ytid} file="$(ls /home/yannis/Downloads/ -ot | sed -n 2p | perl -lane 'print $F[7]')" echo "DOWNLOADED FILE: $file" #todo check if its already mp3 read -p "convert to other format? (mp3/mp4/...): " mp if [ "${mp}" != "" ]; then ffmpeg -hide_banner -i "${dldir}${file}" "${dldir}${file%%.*}.${mp}" #delete original? rm -i ${dldir}${file} fi done echo "exit."