# SCRIPTS A Collection of some "useful" scripts | Name | Usecase |requirements| |------|---------|------------| |```downloadhelper.sh``` | download anc convert Youtube Videos or Soundcloud Songs | Youtube-DL & ffmpeg |```fixcam.sh``` |remove " (1)" from all files inside a folder| | |```fixincludes.sh```| fixes wrong includes. Takes a Folder of c/c++ Code and corrects the includes, that are not case sensitive (local includes only) | sed, awk, bash | |```kvm.sh``` |start a kvm| kvm | |```load.sh``` |download a bunch of sequentialy numbered files| wget | |```m3u8append.sh``` | takes a m3u8 playlist, removes comments (lines starting with '#') and addes a line in front of every other line. Saves the output to a difrent file. | | |```secondcount.sh``` | count the total time of video material in seconds in a folder | ffmpeg | |``` switch-speaker.sh```| switch the default audio output to a diffrent speaker | pulseaudio | |```timedbackup.sh``` | creates a backup. This simple script should be used with cron | rsync | |```videoappend.sh``` | concatinats a list of videos to one long video | ffmpeg | |```timelapse.sh```| a script to create timelapses with a webcam | imagemagick, ffmpeg & streamer | |```setup.sh```| a script that installs all my useful tools, after i reinstalled my Operating System - BE CAREFUL! | fstab |