from PySide6 import QtCore, QtWidgets from generated.mainwindow import Ui_ScreenStreamer from streamer import Streamer from Xlib import display from Xlib.ext import randr class ScreenStreamerGUI(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent = None) -> None: QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_ScreenStreamer() self.ui.setupUi(self) displays = self.get_displays() print(displays) for disp in displays: self.ui.displaySelect.addItem("{} ({}x{})".format(disp['name'], disp['width'], disp['height']), userData=disp) def get_displays(self): disp = display.Display() screen = disp.screen() window = screen.root res = randr.get_screen_resources(window) result = list() allwidth = 0 allheight = 0 for output in res.outputs: params = disp.xrandr_get_output_info(output, res.config_timestamp) if not params.crtc: continue # non connected display ports crtc = disp.xrandr_get_crtc_info(params.crtc, res.config_timestamp) result.append({'name': , 'width': crtc.width, 'height': crtc.height, 'x': crtc.x, 'y': crtc.y}) if crtc.width + crtc.x > allwidth: allwidth = crtc.width + crtc.x if crtc.height + crtc.y > allheight: allheight = crtc.height + crtc.y result.append({'name': 'All', 'width': allwidth, 'height': allheight, 'x': 0, 'y': 0}) return result def format_display(self, displayinfo): return ":0.0+{},{}".format(displayinfo['x'], displayinfo['y']) def format_screensize(self, displayinfo): return "{}:{}".format(displayinfo['width'], displayinfo['height']) @QtCore.Slot() def stream_pressed(self): displaydata = self.ui.displaySelect.currentData() self.streamer = Streamer(self.format_display(displaydata), self.format_screensize(displaydata), self.ui.sendto.text()) self.streamer.start() # TODO: add button to stop and feedback on error print('stream started') self.ui.statusbar.showMessage('stream started') @QtCore.Slot() def recieve_pressed(self): # TODO print('recieve')