• 0.0.8 90c328aa4b

    MrBesen released this 2023-09-02 16:47:15 +02:00 | 3 commits to master since this release

    General Changes:

    • add Rune Tab to manage runes
    • add RuneEditor to edit runes
    • add Dodge Button
    • add Loading window

    Internal changes:

    • add --access flag for debugging and testing
    • fix Bug that caused to many processes to be inspected for Lol-Client informations

    To run this on Windows just download the zip file lolaa_windows_0.0.8.zip, extract it somewhere and run lolautoaccept.exe

    To run this on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Debian install the lolautoaccept_0.0.8_amd64.deb file.

    Use the LoLAutoAccept-0.0.8-x86_64.AppImage file for any other Linux system.

  • 0.0.7 e67c18f2ce

    MrBesen released this 2023-02-05 14:35:59 +01:00 | 43 commits to master since this release

    UI/UX Changes:

    • add tab icons
    • adjust stagesettings ui
    • add autosave for configurations

    Internal changes:

    • embed translations with qt
    • change to log-version with qt-support

    To run this on Windows just download the zip file lolaa_windows_0.0.8.zip, extract it somewhere and run lolautoaccept.exe

    To run this on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Debian install the lolautoaccept_0.0.8_amd64.deb file.

    Use the LoLAutoAccept-0.0.8-x86_64.AppImage file for any other Linux system.

  • 0.0.6 49bdc60071

    MrBesen released this 2022-10-11 21:14:07 +02:00 | 50 commits to master since this release

    • fix the default tab
    • fix the enable pick and enable ban checkboxes
    • add autowrite - automatically send a text message in the champselect lobby

    To run this on Windows just download the zip file lolaa_windows_49bdc60071.zip, extract it somewhere and run lolautoaccept.exe

    To run this on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Debian install the lolautoaccept_0.0.6_amd64.deb file.

    Use the LoLAutoAccept-49bdc60-x86_64.AppImage file for any other Linux system.

  • 0.0.5 7c96b8b188

    0.0.5 - reordering Pre-Release

    MrBesen released this 2022-09-13 00:34:28 +02:00 | 57 commits to master since this release

    • You can now reorder champions with drag and drop
    • The App is now available as .deb so you can native install it on a debian based distros
    • The exe now has the icon

    To get this to run on Windows just download the zip file lolaa_windows_ 7c96b8b188.zip, extract it somewhere and run lolautoaccept.exe

  • 0.0.4 a6f391cc4b

    MrBesen released this 2022-08-28 13:46:20 +02:00 | 69 commits to master since this release

    This release has many exciting new features:

    • You can define your picks and bans depending on your role
    • There is now a "Smite Warning" that reminds you and your team to have excatly 1 smite equipped
    • There is now the option to import Runes from blitz.gg But this is rather experimental and the runes can be quite random
    • This release is also build for Windows! (Security heads up: the TLS-Certcheck is disabled on windows, because i dont know how i can get the ca-cert-bundle to work)

    To get this to run on Windows just download the zip file lolaa_windows_a6f391cc4b.zip, extract it somewhere and run lolautoaccept.exe

  • 0.0.3 d918a936f4

    MrBesen released this 2022-07-03 17:11:20 +02:00 | 106 commits to master since this release

    This release reimplements all the autoaccepting and champ select logik.
    It now uses the API the Launcher has directly instead of simulating userinput.

    It now works with any resolution, even with the launcher minimized or the screen locked.

    Because the image recognition needed opencv and X11 both dependencies could be dropped and the AppImage is less than half the size than bevore!

  • 0.0.2 c1e92c1706

    0.0.2 - Now with icon Pre-Release

    MrBesen released this 2022-05-21 00:32:43 +02:00 | 122 commits to master since this release

  • 0.0.1 d6a36d336a

    MrBesen released this 2022-05-01 15:20:12 +02:00 | 126 commits to master since this release

    It works on a client resolution of 1280x720

    More informations on the Readme
