MainWindow 0 0 579 788 0 0 LoL-Auto-Accept :/lolautoaccept.svg:/lolautoaccept.svg QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 0 0 0 Auto Accept QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 6 6 6 6 9 Write a Text as soon as you are in a champ select lobby. Auto Write false Dodge without closing the client. You will still be punished. Dodge Spam "smite" in the chat when there is not exactly 1 player with smite equiped in champ select Enable Smite Warning true Qt::NoContextMenu <html><head/><body><p>Developed by MrBesen</p><p><a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#007af4;">Webseite</span></a></p><p>Version: %1</p></body></html> Qt::RichText Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTop|Qt::AlignTrailing true Qt::TextBrowserInteraction QTabWidget::North QTabWidget::Rounded 0 Qt::ElideNone false false This Tab is used, when you are in a gamemode with no fixed roles 0 Default 1 :/icons/top.svg:/icons/top.svg Top 2 :/icons/jgl.svg:/icons/jgl.svg Jungle 3 :/icons/mid.svg:/icons/mid.svg Middle 4 :/icons/bot.svg:/icons/bot.svg Bottom 5 :/icons/sup.svg:/icons/sup.svg Support 0 0 16777215 80 0 0 QFrame::Sunken QTextEdit::NoWrap false Qt::LinksAccessibleByKeyboard|Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextBrowserInteraction|Qt::TextEditable|Qt::TextEditorInteraction|Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse autowriteText Enable LoL-Auto-Accept This controls the connection to the LoL client. As long as this is off, no interactions with the LoL client take place. Mainswitch This hides the League Client. It will not anoy you anymore. Only available on Linux with X11. Hide League Client Runes 0 0 579 24 SettingsTab QWidget
RuneManager QWidget
centralTabWidget mainswitch enableAll enableSmiteWarning enableAutoWrite autoWriteText tabWidget enableAll clicked(bool) MainWindow aatoggled(bool) 36 128 393 54 mainswitch clicked(bool) MainWindow toggleMainswitch(bool) 99 94 1 61 MainWindow requestTabChange(int) tabWidget setCurrentIndex(int) 417 86 408 380 enableSmiteWarning clicked(bool) MainWindow smitewarntoggled(bool) 202 162 201 88 enableAutoWrite clicked(bool) MainWindow autoWriteChanged() 199 196 441 147 autoWriteText textChanged() MainWindow autoWriteChanged() 326 285 347 146 enableAutoWrite toggled(bool) autoWriteText setEnabled(bool) 105 196 97 285 requestTabChange(int) aatoggled(bool) tabtoggled(Position, LolAutoAccept::State, bool) tabchanged(Position, LolAutoAccept::State) toggleMainswitch(bool) applyRunes() smitewarntoggled(bool) autoWriteChanged()