
91 lines
3.4 KiB

#ifndef _DEFAULT_KEYS_H_
#define _DEFAULT_KEYS_H_
#include <cassert>
#include <linux/input.h>
// these are ordered default US keymap keys
wchar_t char_keys[49] = L"1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'`\\zxcvbnm,./<";
wchar_t shift_keys[49] = L"!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\"~|ZXCVBNM<>?>";
wchar_t altgr_keys[49] = {0}; // old, US don't use AltGr key: L"\0@\0$\0\0{[]}\\\0qwertyuiop\0~asdfghjkl\0\0\0\0zxcvbnm\0\0\0|"; // \0 on no symbol; as obtained by `loadkeys us`
// TODO: add altgr_shift_keys[]
char func_keys[][8] = {
"<Esc>", "<BckSp>", "<Tab>", "<Enter>", "<LCtrl>", "<LShft>", "<RShft>", "<KP*>", "<LAlt>", " ", "<CpsLk>", "<F1>", "<F2>", "<F3>", "<F4>", "<F5>",
"<F6>", "<F7>", "<F8>", "<F9>", "<F10>", "<NumLk>", "<ScrLk>", "<KP7>", "<KP8>", "<KP9>", "<KP->", "<KP4>", "<KP5>", "<KP6>", "<KP+>", "<KP1>",
"<KP2>", "<KP3>", "<KP0>", "<KP.>", /*"<",*/ "<F11>", "<F12>", "<KPEnt>", "<RCtrl>", "<KP/>", "<PrtSc>", "<AltGr>", "<Break>" /*linefeed?*/, "<Home>", "<Up>", "<PgUp>",
"<Left>", "<Right>", "<End>", "<Down>", "<PgDn>", "<Ins>", "<Del>", "<Pause>", "<LMeta>", "<RMeta>", "<Menu>"
const char char_or_func[] = // c = character key, f = function key, _ = blank/error ('_' is used, don't change); all according to KEY_* defines from <linux/input.h>
#define N_KEYS_DEFINED 106 // sum of all 'c' and 'f' chars in char_or_func[]
inline bool is_char_key(unsigned int code)
assert(code < sizeof(char_or_func));
return (char_or_func[code] == 'c');
inline bool is_func_key(unsigned int code)
assert(code < sizeof(char_or_func));
return (char_or_func[code] == 'f');
inline bool is_used_key(unsigned int code)
assert(code < sizeof(char_or_func));
return (char_or_func[code] != '_');
// translates character keycodes to continuous array indices
inline int to_char_keys_index(unsigned int keycode)
if (keycode >= KEY_1 && keycode <= KEY_EQUAL) // keycodes 2-13: US keyboard: 1, 2, ..., 0, -, =
return keycode - 2;
if (keycode >= KEY_Q && keycode <= KEY_RIGHTBRACE) // keycodes 16-27: q, w, ..., [, ]
return keycode - 4;
if (keycode >= KEY_A && keycode <= KEY_GRAVE) // keycodes 30-41: a, s, ..., ', `
return keycode - 6;
if (keycode >= KEY_BACKSLASH && keycode <= KEY_SLASH) // keycodes 43-53: \, z, ..., ., /
return keycode - 7;
if (keycode == KEY_102ND) return 47; // key right to the left of 'Z' on US layout
return -1; // not character keycode
// translates function keys keycodes to continuous array indices
inline int to_func_keys_index(unsigned int keycode)
if (keycode == KEY_ESC) // 1
return 0;
if (keycode >= KEY_BACKSPACE && keycode <= KEY_TAB) // 14-15
return keycode - 13;
if (keycode >= KEY_ENTER && keycode <= KEY_LEFTCTRL) // 28-29
return keycode - 25;
if (keycode == KEY_LEFTSHIFT) return keycode - 37; // 42
if (keycode >= KEY_RIGHTSHIFT && keycode <= KEY_KPDOT) // 54-83
return keycode - 48;
if (keycode >= KEY_F11 && keycode <= KEY_F12) // 87-88
return keycode - 51;
if (keycode >= KEY_KPENTER && keycode <= KEY_DELETE) // 96-111
return keycode - 58;
if (keycode == KEY_PAUSE) // 119
return keycode - 65;
if (keycode >= KEY_LEFTMETA && keycode <= KEY_COMPOSE) // 125-127
return keycode - 70;
return -1; // not function key keycode