XInputSimulator =============== Cross (X) Plattform (Linux/Mac/Win) Simulator for input devices to simulate mouse moves/clicks/scrolls or keyboard keystrokes. This program is published under the terms of the LGPL ( ####How to use For a detailed example see main.cpp ```cpp XInputSimulator &sim = XInputSimulator::getInstance(); sim.mouseMoveTo(500,400); //set mouse to screen cords 500x400 sim.mouseMoveRelative(400, -100); //move frome there 400px in x to the right and -100px in y upwards sim.mouseDown(1); //press left mouse and hold sim.mouseMoveRelative(0, 300); //drag/mark with pressed mousebutton 300px down sim.mouseUp(1); //release the mousebutton press ``` ####Status 2013-07-14: only the Linux part with following functions ```cpp mouseMoveTo mouseMoveRelative mouseDown mouseUp mouseClick ```