#!/bin/bash fname="lastmsg.bot" #1. arg= ident, 2. arg = text send() { #check file mapfile -t file < $fname fid=${file[0]} msgid=${file[1]} count=${file[2]} params="chat_id=${userid}&text=$2" #echo "read: fid: ${fid}, msgid: ${msgid}, count: ${count}" if [ "$fid" == "$1" ]; then #update only method="editMessageText" date=$(date '+%F %H:%M') params="message_id=${msgid}&${params}" count=$((count+1)) printf -v params "%b\n\n(%b x wiederholt am %b)" "${params}" "${count}" "${date}" else method="sendMessage" count="0" fi #echo "Sending $2 to ${userid}" #request raw=$(curl --data "${params}" "https://api.telegram.org/bot${token}/${method}" 2> /dev/null) #parse response #echo "recieved: $raw" msgid=$(python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.loads('$raw'.replace('\n',''))['result']['message_id'])") #echo "msgid: ${msgid}, count: ${count}" #write to file echo "$1" > $fname #ident echo "${msgid}" >> $fname #msgid echo "${count}" >> $fname #count } #used to rset the file, when nothing is sent resetFile() { echo "..." > $fname #ident -> never match echo "-100" >> $fname #msgid echo "-1000" >> $fname #count }