# MouseTroll A little Programm, that spinn your mouse coursor. The Arduino version is for [this](http://digistump.com/products/1) USB-Stick. To stop the Java version, just move your mouse to the top left corner and then down to the bottom right within 5 seconds (should work for multi-screen-setup, but no warranty.) To stop the Arduino version just unplug the device or constantly reset the processor of the device (not the computer!!!). ###### Have a nice and funny troll I take no warranty for anything! ### Download Java Version [![Build Status](https://jenkins.mrbesen.de/buildStatus/icon?job=MouseTroll)](https://jenkins.mrbesen.de/job/MouseTroll/) [JavaDownload](https://jenkins.mrbesen.de/job/MouseTroll/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/MouseTroll.jar)