package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable; public class UI implements ActionListener { private boolean isSelectionRunning = false; //true if an selection Thread is working, private JFrame frame = new JFrame("Clash Royale Bot · by MrBesen");; private JPanel root = new JPanel(); private JPanel top = new JPanel(); private JPanel middle = new JPanel(); private JPanel sliderpanel = new JPanel(); private JPanel bottom = new JPanel(); private JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar(); private JMenu file_ = new JMenu("File"); private JMenuItem load = new JMenuItem(); private JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem(); private JMenuItem new_ = new JMenuItem(); private AutoPlayBox autoplay = new AutoPlayBox(); private JCheckBox doubleplace = new JCheckBox("DoublePlace"); private JCheckBox backfocus = new JCheckBox("BackFocus"); private PosSelector[] posselctors = { new PosSelector(this, "Battle",true, 4), new PosColSelector(this, "End Battle",true, 5,0), new PosSelector(this, "Card1",false, 0), new PosSelector(this, "Card2",false, 1), new PosSelector(this, "Card3",false, 2), new PosSelector(this, "Card4", false, 3), new PosSelector(this, "Playout", false, 6), new PosColSelector(this, "Arena View", false, 7,1) }; private JButton start = new JButton("START"); private JButton skip = new JButton("SKIP"); // the button, to skip waiting private JButton pause = new JButton("Pause"); private JButton exit = new JButton("EXIT"); private JButton overlay = new JButton("Overlay[Experimental]"); private JLabel info = new JLabel("Define positions, to start."); private JLabel time = new JLabel("0 s"); private Slider[] slider = { new Slider("Waittime: ","s", 1,300,180,-1, null, new Updater() { @Override public void update(int nummber) { bot.setWait(nummber); } }, false), new Slider("Radius of Placement: ","px",0,40,15,0, null, new Updater() { @Override public void update(int nummber) { bot.setRandmones(nummber); } },false) }; Clicker bot = new Clicker(); private File file = new File(".profile"); public UI() { Main.get().ui = this; //init screen frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); frame.setSize(830, 180); save.setText("Save"); save.addActionListener(this); load.setText("Load"); load.addActionListener(this); new_.setText("New"); new_.addActionListener(this); file_.add(save); file_.add(load); file_.add(new_); menubar.add(file_); frame.setJMenuBar(menubar); skip.setEnabled(false); start.setEnabled(false); doubleplace.setSelected(true); doubleplace.setEnabled(false); skip.addActionListener(this); start.addActionListener(this); pause.addActionListener(this); exit.addActionListener(this); overlay.addActionListener(this); doubleplace.addActionListener(this); backfocus.addActionListener(this); for(PosSelector poss : posselctors) {//construct PosSelector Panel top.add(poss.button); } middle.add(start);//construct button paneö middle.add(skip); middle.add(pause); middle.add(exit); middle.add(overlay); middle.add(autoplay); middle.add(doubleplace); middle.add(backfocus); for(Slider s : slider) {//construct slider panel sliderpanel.add(s); } bottom.add(info);//construct bottom panel bottom.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(150, 5))); bottom.add(time); root.add(top);//add every pannel root.add(middle); root.add(sliderpanel); root.add(bottom); frame.add(root);//create frame frame.setVisible(true); //set tooltips start.setToolTipText("Starts the Bot."); skip.setToolTipText("Skips the current Action.(Waiting or beeing in a match, only usefull, when the bot miss clicked somewhere)"); pause.setToolTipText("Pauses the \"output\" of the Bot, but the internal states are still updated."); exit.setToolTipText("Stops the Bot and closes the Window."); overlay.setToolTipText("Enables a Overlay to visualize where the Bot trys to click."); autoplay.setToolTipText("Enable or disable auto placement of cards."); doubleplace.setToolTipText("Everytime the bot wants to play a card, he trys to play two cards at once."); backfocus.setToolTipText("After each mouseclickaction the bot tryes to give the old window the focus back."); slider[0].setToolTipText("the time the Bot waits between two crads."); slider[1].setToolTipText("Give a value, how offset the playout place should be, to look more like a human player to the opponent and the game itself."); posselctors[0].button.setToolTipText("Set the position for the \"Battle\"-Button."); posselctors[1].button.setToolTipText("Set the position for the \"ok\"-Button at the end of a match. Be carefull, this also saves the color of the button to auto-detect it."); posselctors[2].button.setToolTipText("Set the Position of Card 1"); posselctors[3].button.setToolTipText("Set the Position of Card 2"); posselctors[4].button.setToolTipText("Set the Position of Card 3"); posselctors[5].button.setToolTipText("Set the Position of Card 4"); posselctors[6].button.setToolTipText("Set the Position, where a Card should be placed. Leave it empty to use the same position as the \"Battle\" position."); posselctors[7].button.setToolTipText("Set the position of the Close button, of the menue that po up, when you tap the arena. This one also saves the color of the position to auto detect it."); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object src = e.getSource(); if(src instanceof JButton) { JButton srcb = (JButton) src; //check for the Posselectors for(PosSelector poss : posselctors) { if(poss.button.equals(srcb)) { if(!isSelectionRunning) new Thread(poss, "PositionSelector").start(); break; } } if(srcb.equals(start)) { if(bot.isRunning()) {//stop! bot.stop(); srcb.setText("START"); skip.setEnabled(false); info("Stoped!"); } else { bot.start();//start! srcb.setText("STOP"); skip.setEnabled(true); info("Started!"); } } else if(srcb.equals(skip)) bot.skip(); else if(srcb.equals(exit)) { bot.stop(); frame.setVisible(false); System.exit(0); } else if(srcb.equals(pause)) { if(bot.isPaused()) {//the bot is going to be unpaused pause.setText("Pause"); info("Unpaused."); } else {//the bot is going to be paused. pause.setText("Unpause"); info("Paused."); } bot.setPause(!bot.isPaused()); } else if(srcb.equals(overlay)) { bot.toggleOverlay(); } } else if(src instanceof JMenuItem) { JMenuItem srcI = (JMenuItem) src; if(srcI.equals(load)) { load(true); } else if(srcI.equals(save)) { save(); } else if(srcI.equals(new_)) { new_(); } } else if(src instanceof JCheckBox) { JCheckBox srcb = (JCheckBox) src; if(srcb.equals(doubleplace)) { bot.setDoublePlay(srcb.isSelected()); if(srcb.isSelected()) {//*2 slider[0].setValue(slider[0].getValue()*2); } else {// /2 slider[0].setValue(slider[0].getValue()/2); } } else if(srcb.equals(backfocus)) { bot.toggleBackfocus(); } } } private void load(boolean info) { if(file.exists()) { try { Scanner s = new Scanner(file); while(s.hasNextLine()) { String split[] = s.nextLine().split(" "); if(!split[1].equals("null")) { int num = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); if(num > 100) {//special settings (slider / checkboxes) if(num == 101) {//truppenwait int wait = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); slider[0].setValue(wait); } else if(num == 102) { // double playout boolean dp = Boolean.parseBoolean(split[1]); if(dp) autoplay.setSelected(true); doubleplace.setSelected(dp); bot.setDoublePlay(dp); } else if(num == 103) { slider[1].setValue(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if(num == 104) { Color c = new Color(Integer.parseInt(split[1]), Integer.parseInt(split[2]), Integer.parseInt(split[3])); bot.setColor(c, 1,35); } else if(num == 105) { Color c = new Color(Integer.parseInt(split[1]), Integer.parseInt(split[2]), Integer.parseInt(split[3])); bot.setColor(c, 0,35); } } else //standard Point Obj. bot.set(new Point(split[1]), num); } } s.close(); refresh(); if(info) info("loaded!"); } catch(IOException | NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if(info) info("Error."); } } else if(info) info("no profile found."); } private void save() { try { if(!file.exists()) file.createNewFile(); else { /*ok == 0 cancel = 2*/ int choose = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "You are going to override the old profile!", "Override", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if(choose == 2) { info("canceled."); return; } } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file); fw.write(bot.serialize()+"\n101 "+ slider[0].getValue() + "\n102 " + doubleplace.isSelected()+"\n103 " + slider[1].getValue()); fw.flush(); fw.close(); info("saved!"); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); info("Error."); } } private void new_() { int choose = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "All of your setting are going to be lost, if you dont save it.", "Settings lost", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if(choose == 2) { info("canceled."); return; } bot.stop(); bot = null; bot = new Clicker(); } public void refresh() { //check if all required positions are set // & set the colors boolean allset = true; for(PosSelector poss : posselctors) { if(bot.isSet(poss.num)); else {; if(poss.isRequired()) allset = false; } } if(allset) start.setEnabled(true); } public void info(String a) { info.setText(a); } /** * Set the time label to this time. * @param seconds in seconds. * Negative time is set to zero. */ public void printTime(int seconds) { if(seconds < 0)//not allowed seconds = 0; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); int d = 0; while(seconds >= 86400) { seconds -= 86400; d ++; } if(d > 0) { out.append(d); out.append("d "); } int h = 0;//hours while(seconds >= 3600) { seconds -= 3600; h ++; } if(h > 0) { out.append(h); out.append("h "); } int m = 0;//min while(seconds >= 60) { seconds -= 60; m ++; } if(m > 0) { out.append(m); out.append("m "); } if(seconds > 0) { out.append(seconds); out.append("s"); } if(out.length() == 0) out.append('-');//nothing time.setText(out.toString()); } public void setPositionDone() { isSelectionRunning = false; } public interface Updater { public void update(int nummber); } public class AutoPlayBox extends JCheckBox implements ActionListener {//AutoPlayCheck Box (Extra Object because some updateing problems occour) private static final long serialVersionUID = 8957130982898848436L; public AutoPlayBox() { super("AutoPlay"); addActionListener(this); } @Override public void setSelected(boolean b) { super.setSelected(b); update(b); } public void update(boolean b) { doubleplace.setEnabled(b); slider[0].setEnabled(b); slider[1].setEnabled(b); bot.setAutoPlay(b); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { update(this.isSelected()); } } public class Slider extends JPanel implements ChangeListener{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JSlider slider; private JLabel label; private ChangeListener listener; private Updater updater; private String prefix = "", sufix = ""; private int offset; /** * @param prefix the text of the Label * @param sufix thge text of the Label * @param minvalue start vlaue * @param maxvalue last value * @param startvalue inital value * @param komma 10^x offset for komma digits */ public Slider(String prefix, String sufix, int minvalue, int maxvalue, int startvalue, int komma, @Nullable ChangeListener cl,@Nullable Updater upd, boolean enabled) {//ChangeListener or Updater could be Null! slider = new JSlider(minvalue, maxvalue, startvalue); slider.addChangeListener(this); if(prefix != null) this.prefix = prefix; if(sufix != null) { this.sufix = sufix; } offset = komma; label = new JLabel(getLabelText()); add(slider); add(label); listener = cl; updater = upd; slider.setEnabled(enabled); } public int getValue() { return slider.getValue(); } public void setValue(int val) { slider.setValue(val); } private String getLabelText() { if(offset >= 0) return prefix + (slider.getValue() * (int) Math.pow(10, offset)) + sufix; return prefix + (BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.pow(10, offset)).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(slider.getValue()))) + sufix; } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { slider.setEnabled(enabled); } @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { label.setText(getLabelText());//update info if(listener != null) listener.stateChanged(e);//forward Event if(updater != null) updater.update(slider.getValue()); } } }