package; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.MouseInfo; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class Clicker implements Runnable{ private boolean running = false; private boolean should_run = false; private boolean inbattle = false; private boolean skipbattle = false; private Thread thread; private Point top_left; private Point battle; private Point end; private Point[] cardslots = new Point[4]; private Point playout; private boolean autoplay; private boolean doubleplayout =false; private int truppenwait = 180; public Clicker() { } private void sleep( int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) {//when skip is applyed ; } } public void start() { should_run = true; if(!running) { running = true; thread = new Thread(this, "BOT"); thread.start(); } } public void stop() { should_run = false; while(running) { thread.interrupt();//stop that shit (its maybe sleeping) } } public void skip() { if(isRunning()) if(inbattle) skipbattle = true; thread.interrupt(); } public boolean isRunning() { return running; } @Override public void run() { sleep(1000);//chill ma int card = 0; try { Robot rob = new Robot(); while(should_run) { sleep(500); clickL(rob, battle);//smash the start button sleep(1000); if(!should_run) break; clickL(rob, battle);//press start again (if there is an alert poping up) //battle is starting up sleep(9000);//wait for the battle to start (loading screen) Main.get()"Battle started."); inbattle = true; int modifier = 1; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastwait = start;//actions like moving mouse and do stuff gets messured and subtracted of the wait's int okcount = 0; while( ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 6000) < 41 & should_run & !skipbattle) { //check für ok-.knopf if(((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000) > 20) {//game is older then 20 seconds if(checkOK(end, rob)) okcount ++; if(okcount > 5) break; } //try to play out a card if(autoplay) { playout(card, rob);//try to play a card card = (card +1) % 4;//move card pointer to the next if(doubleplayout) { sleep(750); playout(card, rob); card = (card +1) % 4;//next } } if(((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 60000f) > 2) //game older than 2 minutes -> speed the playout process up! modifier = 2; // eingestellter wert (0.1 sec) ggf. durch 2 teilen vergangene zeit abziehen (zeit fürs setztem der letzten truppen) int waittime = ( (int) (((truppenwait * 100) / modifier) - (System.currentTimeMillis()- lastwait)) );//how long to wait? while (waittime > 3000) {//check for the ok-button every 3 seconds long startwait = System.currentTimeMillis();//record needed time if(checkOK(end, rob))//check okcount ++;//ok button detected sleep((int) (3000 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwait)));//sleep the rest of 3 seconds, that was not gone for checking waittime = (int) (waittime - (System.currentTimeMillis() - startwait));//calculate waittime that is left } sleep(waittime);//wait lastwait = System.currentTimeMillis();//restart the messurement of time used by the actions } skipbattle = false; inbattle = false; Main.get()"Battle ended."); if(!should_run) break; clickL(rob, end);//ok knopf if(!should_run) break; sleep(10000);//10 sec-lade screen } } catch (AWTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } running = false;//remove the running flag } /** * Try to play out an Card. fakes 2 mouse clicks. One at the card, and one at the defined playout spot. * @param card card nummber (0-3) * @param rob the Robot Object to use */ private void playout(int card, Robot rob) { if(cardslots[card] != null) {//card is selectable clickL(rob, cardslots[card]);//click on the card slot sleep(450);//lets Teamviewer transmit the data to the phone and let the phone some time zto sumbit the data to supercell. if(playout != null)//a specified playout spot clickL(rob, playout);//click on the playout location else clickL(rob, battle);//non specified playout spot (the battle start button is a good position to play out cards) } } public void set(Point a, int num) { if(num < 4) cardslots[num] = a; else if(num == 5) { end = a; Main.get().ui.refresh(); } else if(num == 4) { battle = a; Main.get().ui.refresh(); } else if(num == 6) playout = a; else if(num == 7) top_left = a; } public boolean isSet(int num) { if(num < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("num >= 0 !"); return get(num) != null; } private Point get(int num) { if(num < 4) return cardslots[num]; else if(num == 5) return end ; else if(num == 4) return battle; else if(num == 6) return playout; else if(num == 7) return top_left; return null; } public void setWait(int i) { truppenwait = i; } public void setDoublePlay(boolean a) { doubleplayout = a; } public void setAutoPlay(boolean a) { autoplay = a; } public boolean bothset() { return (end != null & battle != null); } private void clickL(Robot b, Point a) { Point old = getMouse(); b.mouseMove(a.x, a.y); sleep(50); clickL(b); sleep(50); b.mouseMove(old.x, old.y); sleep(50); } private void clickL(Robot b) {//40 ms delay b.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); sleep(40); b.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); sleep(10); } private int getMousex() { return MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().x; } private int getMousey() { return MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().y; } /** * This method checks a squared radius of 10 px around the Point and compares the screen color with the color of the ok-button, that ends an game. * @param p the point to scann * @param bot the Robot object to use * @return true, if there are more then 70px alike enough */ private boolean checkOK(Point p, Robot bot) { //long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int count = 0; Color goalcolor = new Color(85, 170, 254);//the wanted color BufferedImage img = bot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(p.x-10, p.y-10, 20, 20));//smile for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++) { int color = img.getRGB(x, y); int red = (color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; int green = (color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; int blue = color & 0x000000ff; double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((blue - goalcolor.getBlue()), 2) + Math.pow((red - goalcolor.getRed()), 2) + Math.pow((green - goalcolor.getGreen()), 2));//calculate the distance between the goalcolor and the test color // System.out.println("distance: " + distance); if (distance < 25) count++; } } // System.out.println("checking ok takes: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));//some performance checking return count > 70; } public Point getMouse() { return new Point(getMousex(), getMousey()); } public String serialize() { String out = ""; for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Point p = get(i); String ps = "null"; if(p != null) ps = p.serialize(); out += i + " " + ps + "\n"; } return out.substring(0, out.length()-1); } }