package de.mrbesen; import; import Core.Program; import Job.Job; import Job.Result.PartialResult; public class CryptCrack extends Program { // long public_key = 12600;//valid private key = 5042 // long mod = 151621; // long public_key = 14012539;//valid private key: 2597832237 // long mod = 4862802614L; long public_key = 14742154580182L; //valid private key: 63409970811835 long mod = 7458897482494455378L; int testsperrun = 50000000; @Override public void run() { if(testsperrun >= mod) { enque(1, mod, jobmanager.jobs_total()+1); } for(long i = 1; i < mod; i+= testsperrun) { enque(i, i+testsperrun, jobmanager.jobs_total()+1); } } private void enque(long from, long to, int jobid) { // System.out.println("from: " + from + " to: " + to); String code = "import Job.Jobsrc;\nimport Job.Result;\nimport Job.Result.ResultType;\npublic class Crack" + jobid + " extends Jobsrc {\n private final long start = " + from + "L; private final long end = " + to + "L; private long modul = " + mod + "L; private long publicKey = " + public_key + "L; \n @Override\n public Result run() {\n Result out = new Result(" + jobid + ");\n for(long i = start; i < end; i++) {\n if(try_to_crack(i))\n {out.add( PartialResult(ResultType.Value, i + \":true\"));\n}\n }\n return out;\n }\n public boolean try_to_crack(long i) {\n /*System.out.println(\"Testing\"+i);*/ return (publicKey * i) % modul == 1;\n }\n}"; jobmanager.enque(new Job(code)); } @Override public void HandlePartialResult(PartialResult pres) { String in = (String) pres.obj; System.out.println(in); if(in.split(":",2)[1] == "true") {//match! String key = in.split(":",2)[0]; //write to file try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("saved"); fw.write(key); fw.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error while saving progress"); } System.out.println("KEY FOUND!\nkey = " + key); jobmanager.clear();//stop this job } } }