//Board URL: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json //Board Name: Node Mcu 1.0 #include "config.h" //protocol definition: //1st byte: length of content +1 //2nd byte: packet type //rest: content #include #define LED 2 #define DEBUG 1 #if DEBUG > 0 #define D(A) Serial.println(A); #else #define D(A) ; #endif #define LEDON digitalWrite(LED, LOW); #define LEDOFF digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); #define STATUS_WLAN 1 #define STATUS_SERVICE 2 #define PINGREQUIRED 180 //alle 3 Minuten Ping requesten #define PINGTIMEOUT 200 //nach weiteren 20 sekunden sollte ein ping erfolgt sein SoftwareSerial ser(14, 12);//RX: GPIO 14 = D5; TX: GPIO 12 = D6 WiFiClient client; unsigned char statusbits = 0; //bit 0 = wlan, bit 1 = service; unsigned long lastping = 0; void setup() { pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); ser.begin(9600); #if DEBUG > 0 Serial.begin(115200); #endif wifi_station_set_hostname("NudelMaschine"); } void reportStatus() { ser.print("s"); ser.print(statusbits & STATUS_WLAN ? "W" : "w"); ser.print(statusbits & STATUS_SERVICE ? "S" : "s"); ser.print("\0");//EOT } void setStatus(unsigned char mask, bool newstat) { bool old = statusbits & mask; if (old != newstat) { //only when its realy a new state //flip statusbits ^= mask; //update reportStatus(); } } //manage the connection to the arduino void handleSerial() { if (ser.available()) { char in = ser.read(); if (in == 's') { reportStatus(); } else if(in == 'r') {//report char* buffer = new char[64]; size_t i = 0; for(; i < 64 && ser.available(); i++) { buffer[i] = ser.read(); } client.write(i+1); client.print('r'); client.write(buffer, i); } else if(in == 'a') { } } } void handleData(const char* data, size_t length) { D("handle"); char type = data[0]; switch (type) { case 'c': //close connection client.stop(); break; case 'p': //pingrequest client.println("\x01P"); Serial.println("awnsered"); break; case 'h': //hello D("Hello recived") ser.print('r');//get status break; case 'g': //go (start) case 'r'://request report case 'e'://error report case 'a'://abort ser.print(type); break; default: Serial.print("unknown Data"); Serial.println(data); break; } } void connectWLAN() { setStatus(STATUS_WLAN, false); setStatus(STATUS_SERVICE, false); //try to connect to wifi LEDOFF D("Connect to WiFi"); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); #ifndef DHCP WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet, gateway); #endif while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) delay(500); D("IP address: "); D(WiFi.localIP()); } void connectService() { //try to reconnect to server setStatus(STATUS_SERVICE, false); D("connect to server"); if (!client.connect(host, port)) { D("connection failed") delay(5000); } else { client.setNoDelay(true); D("connected") client.println("\x01h"); client.setTimeout(60 * 5000); //5min } } void checkTimeout() { if ( (millis() - lastping) / 1000 > PINGREQUIRED) { //TODO: check if ping allready sent //request ping client.println("\x01p"); D("ping sent") } else if ((millis() - lastping) / 1000 > PINGTIMEOUT) { //timeout D("timedout") client.stop(); } } void loop() { //logic //TODO: //wait for data: when nothing recived for 3min -> send ping shoud respond within 2 seconds if not -> notify mashine and go in idle mode //when recived command for mashine -> fwd to mashine (start, stop, emergency stop, reset errors, ....) //when garbage recived -> notify mashine to display error //when connection failed -> notify mashine to display error //when ping recived -> respond fast! //when WIFI connection lost -> try to reconnect & notify mashine //when WIFI connection is reestablished -> notify mashine and continue //when mashine sends error -> fwd to server handleSerial(); if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { setStatus(STATUS_WLAN, true); LEDON if (client.connected()) { setStatus(STATUS_SERVICE, true); //do reciving stuff while (!client.available() && client.connected()) { delay(100); handleSerial(); } D("Data available") if (client.available()) { D("\nrecive stuff "); lastping = millis();//reset lastping unsigned char ch = static_cast(client.read()); // read the size //Serial.print("awaiting: "); D(ch); char* buff = new char[ch]; for (unsigned char i = 0; i < ch; i++) { if (client.available()) { buff[i] = static_cast(client.read()); //Serial.print(buff[i], HEX); } else { buff[i] = 0; break; } } //done reciving processing //Serial.print("\nrecived: "); //Serial.println(buff); handleData(buff, ch); client.flush(); } checkTimeout(); } else {//client.connected() connectService(); } } else { connectWLAN(); } delay(100); }