/* Repeating Web client Circuit: * Ethernet shield attached to pins 10, 11, 12, 13 * Sensor mit 4,7K Ohm auf Data <->5V auf pin 9 */ #include #include #include #include #include #define host "" #define port 1234 byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED}; // initialize the library instance: EthernetClient client; OneWire oneWire(9); EthernetUDP Udp; // Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature. DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); char server[] = host; unsigned long lastConnectionTime = 0; // last time you connected to the server, in milliseconds const unsigned long postingInterval = 10000L; // delay between updates, in milliseconds // the "L" is needed to use long type numbers void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); // give the ethernet module time to boot up: delay(1000); // start the Ethernet connection using a fixed IP address and DNS server: Ethernet.begin(mac); // print the Ethernet board/shield's IP address: Serial.print("My IP address: "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); sensors.begin(); Udp.begin(1234); } void loop() { // if there's incoming data from the net connection. // send it out the serial port. This is for debugging // purposes only: if (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); Serial.write(c); } // if ten seconds have passed since your last connection, // then connect again and send data: if (millis() - lastConnectionTime > postingInterval) { httpRequest(); delay(10); } else { delay(20); } } void httpRequest() { Serial.println("Sending"); //client.stop(); sensors.requestTemperatures(); Udp.beginPacket(server, port); int temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)*100; Serial.println(temp); char out[] = { (char) ((temp & 0XFF000000) >> 24) , (char) ((temp & 0X00FF0000) >> 16), (char) ((temp & 0X0000FF00) >> 8), (char) (temp & 0X000000FF) }; Udp.write(out , 4); Udp.endPacket(); Serial.println(out[0], HEX); Serial.println(out[1], HEX); Serial.println(out[2], HEX); Serial.println(out[3], HEX); lastConnectionTime = millis(); /*if (client.connect(server, 80)) { Serial.println("connecting..."); // send the HTTP GET request: client.print("POST /temp/"); client.print(sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)); client.println("HTTP/1.1"); client.print("Host: "); client.print(host); client.println("User-Agent: BOT"); client.println("Connection: close"); client.println(); client.println(); lastConnectionTime = millis(); } else { Serial.println("connection failed"); }*/ }