package de.mrbesen.telegram; import de.mrbesen.telegram.objects.TReplyMarkup; public class MessageBuilder { private String text; private Formatting format = Formatting.None; private boolean silent = false; private boolean no_web_view = false; private int reciver_id = 0; private int reply_to_message_id = 0; private TReplyMarkup markup = null; public MessageBuilder setReciver(int id) { reciver_id = id; return this; } public MessageBuilder setText(String txt) { txt = txt.trim(); if(txt.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("text is not allowed to be empty"); } text = txt; return this; } public MessageBuilder setFormatting(Formatting form) { format = form; return this; } public MessageBuilder setSilent(boolean b) { silent = b; return this; } public MessageBuilder setNoWebView(boolean b) { no_web_view = b; return this; } public MessageBuilder setMarkup(TReplyMarkup markup) { this.markup = markup; return this; } public SendableMessage build() { if(reciver_id == 0) { throw new MissingException("Reciver"); } if(text != null) { if(text.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new MissingException("Text"); } } else { throw new MissingException("Text"); } String optionals = ""; if(format != Formatting.None) { optionals += "&parse_mode=" + format.getname().toLowerCase(); } if(reply_to_message_id != 0) { optionals += "&reply_to_message_id=" + reply_to_message_id; } if(markup != null) { optionals += "&reply_markup=" + markup.toJSONString(); } return new SendableMessage("chat_id=" + reciver_id + "&text=" + text.trim() + optionals + "&disable_web_page_preview=" + no_web_view + "&disable_notification=" + silent); } class SendableMessage { private String q; public SendableMessage(String q) { this.q = q; } String getQ() { return q; } } public enum Formatting { None(""), HTML("HTML"), MD("Markdown"); private String apiname; private Formatting(String s) { apiname = s; } public String getname() { return apiname; } } public class MissingException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2750912631502103642L; public MissingException(String missing_obj) { super("The Object " + missing_obj + " is missing or invalid."); } } }