package de.mrbesen.telegram; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class AsyncHandler implements Runnable { private List tasks = new LinkedList<>(); private Thread[] asynchandlerthread; private int threadsRunning = 0; private TelegramAPI api; private static final String THREADPREFIX = "AsyncTgHandler-"; //just use 1 async thread public AsyncHandler(TelegramAPI api) { this(api, 1); } //allow as many as threadCount threads to handle Async Tasks public AsyncHandler(TelegramAPI api, int threadCount) { this.api = api; asynchandlerthread = new Thread[threadCount]; } public void enque(Task t) { enque(t, false); } public void enque(Task t, boolean priority) { if(priority) { synchronized (tasks) { tasks.add(0, t); } } else { synchronized (tasks) { tasks.add(t); } } //muss nicht im syncronized liegen, weil es nur ein read ist ensureThreads(tasks.size()); } public void enque(String request, String parameters, long userid) { enque(new Task(request, parameters, userid)); } //makes sure, that at least count Threads are running private void ensureThreads(int count) { if(count < 1) count = 1; synchronized (asynchandlerthread) { if(threadsRunning >= count) return; //mus im syncronized liegen, damit es nicht zu problemen kommt, wenn diese funktion parallel aufgerufen wird //alle threads durchgehen und leere (null) mit neuen Threads füllen for(int i = 0; i < asynchandlerthread.length && count > 0; i++) { if(asynchandlerthread[i] == null) { //spawn a thread asynchandlerthread[i] = new Thread(this, THREADPREFIX + i); asynchandlerthread[i].start(); threadsRunning++; } count --; } } } @Override public void run() { int failed = 0; while(!tasks.isEmpty()) { Task current; synchronized (tasks) { current = tasks.remove(0); } if(current == null) continue; //run task try { try { Object obj = api.request(current.apimethod, current.parameters, current.userid); Callback callb = current.callback; while(callb != null) { obj = (Object) callb.callObj(obj); callb =; // throw new Exception("Callbacktype missmatch! Got " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + " Wanted: " + wanted.getSimpleName() ); } failed = 0; } catch(UnknownHostException ex) { //host( is good -> bad inet failed ++; if(failed > 10) try { Thread.sleep(1000);//wait 1 second } catch(InterruptedException ignored) {} //reenque enque(current); } catch(Throwable t) { if(current.exceptionhandl == null) throw t; System.out.println("Exception " + t.getClass().getSimpleName() + " handled by " + current.exceptionhandl.getClass().getSimpleName());; } } catch(Throwable t) { System.out.println("Error executing Task: "); t.printStackTrace(); } } int threadid = Integer.parseInt(Thread.currentThread().getName().substring(THREADPREFIX.length())); synchronized (asynchandlerthread) { threadsRunning --; asynchandlerthread[threadid] = null; //delete thread } } public static class Task { String apimethod; String parameters; Callback callback = null; Callback exceptionhandl = null; final long userid; public Task(String apimethod, String parameters, long userid) { this.apimethod = apimethod; this.parameters = parameters; this.userid = userid; } public Task(String apimethod, String parameters, long userid, Callback callback) { this.apimethod = apimethod; this.parameters = parameters; this.userid = userid; this.callback = callback; } public Task setExceptionhandl(Callback exceptionhandl) { this.exceptionhandl = exceptionhandl; return this; } } public static abstract class Callback { public Callback next = null; public abstract K call(T j) throws Throwable; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public K callObj(Object j) throws Throwable { return call((T) j); } } }